Chapter Twenty-One

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Note: I legit read the transcript of Spider Island (it's on the wiki) before writing this chapter. Please understand that it won't be completely perfect either. I also had to adapt it so it went along with the plot of this story. Thanks so much, my kittens!


"Adam!" you reacted, rushing to the chair. You crouched, your hands on the exposed flesh of his face.

Lethal levels of poison are located in the bite.

Unidentified poison in bite from a species of spider not in the database.

2 hours before the poison reaches his heart.

The antidote and species the bite had come from were 404. If you knew where the bite had come from, your bionics would have been able to mimic and administer the antidote through your sweat pores.

Bree, Chase, Leo, and Douglas surrounded Adam. His pulse was faint and he was losing color fast.

"Help me get him on the couch," you pleaded, looking up at the others. They all looked concerned, of course, but Chase also looked jealous. You'd have to talk to him about that later.

You grabbed Adam's underarms (which had been as gross as it sounded) while Douglas grabbed his ankles. You two carried him to the couch, laying him on his side. You knelt in front of him.

"I think I can slow it," you said, looking up at the concerned family. "But I can't stop it. Does anyone have any idea what could have poisoned him?"

Chase, Douglas, and Leo looked at each other before looking back at you.

"No-" Chase said.

"-Yes-" Leo said.

"-No!" Douglas said.

And then they switched.




You gave them a hard stare. "Adam is going to die in two hours if you don't tell me what bit him!"

Chase bit his bottom lip, his teeth sinking into the soft skin. "Douglas and I may have brought an extinct spider back to life and Leo may have let it loose on the island." Chase's voice indicated he was saying exactly what happened.

"And then I may or may not have given it growth hormones," Douglas mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.

"Is there a name for the spider? I can search my database." You looked back down at the unconscious Adam before shifting on your knees and looking back up at them.

"There's no official name for it that we know of. We brought him back to life two days ago, and he's been missing since nine this morning," explained Douglas.

You bit your lip as you looked back at Adam before looking back at them. "I'm going to slow it. Figure it out."

Your hands overlapped Adam's fair-skinned hands and you focused. Each spider bite's anti-venom was different. All you could do was use the strongest anti-venom you were able to mimic and administer it through - even though it was disgusting - hand sweat.

"How long now?" inquired Douglas.

"Six hours."

You readjusted yourself, eyes panning back to Adam. All that was left was an excruciatingly long wait before one of two scenarios played out. Adam died of the bite, or they found the correct antidote.


"We located the spider," Chase announced, walking into the mentor's dormitory. You looked up at him from the sleeping form of Adam. About two hours and thirty minutes were left for them to get the antidote done.

Smart Guy. (Chase Davenport x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin