Chapter 2

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*Frankie's POV*

A whole year. That's how long I didn't see her. A year.

I kinda forgot her as time went on. I was so busy with everything mentally, and there was so much stuff happening, that the thought of a mystery girl kinda slipped my mind.

But I'm in Year8 now. Things are different. I realise why everyone hates Year 7 kids. I have a best friend now, and she's really nice. Her mum lets her do anything she wants, because she doesnt care. It's awesome. The only thing I don't like is when she shouts at her little sister, but oh well. She's my best friend, and I can't say anything bad about her.

I dodge past another Year 7, and wait by the door of my classroom. I know everyone here, yet I just ignored everyone. Who's going to want to talk to me?

After getting shoved several times, and shoving other people back, the teacher opens the door, allowing everyone to enter and escape the bustling, loud corridors.

"My name's Miss Badlose, and I'm going to be your geography teacher," she said. "Right, everyone stand at the wall. I'm going to sort you into your tab-"

Just as she was about to finish her sentence, the door swung open, and someone burst violently through the door.


She quickly blurted out, "I'm so sorry I'm late, my cat threw up and I had to try and wipe it up then I called my mum because I couldn't wipe it up then I called my dad because I still couldn't wipe it up then I had to look on WikiHow so I could wipe it up then I had to-"

"Just stand by the wall."


She hurried over to the wall and stood right next to Amy. They started gossiping quietly, and I felt a shiver of sadness. I had nobody in this stupid class.

I immediately went out of focus, and started daydreaming about what it would be like if I was popular. I'd at least be with the other kids in the class.

I was so out of focus, that I didn't even notice Miss Badlose shout my name five times, and only caught attention when someone sharply poked my back.

"Ow, what the actual fu-"

"Frankie, listen to me. You don't want a detention on your first day, do you?"

"Nah, the offer isn't interesting me so far," I replied.

Miss Badlose pursed her lips, and I watched her as she closed her eyes and started counting to 10 mentally. She doesn't like me, so why should I like her?

Then, just like the cheesy, cliché american movies, she say me next to the one person I was thinking of.

"Right, as I was saying, you need to sit next to Morg-for HEAVENS SAKE, WHY IS EVERYONE DAYDREAMING IN MY CLASS?!"

Morgan's head jolted upright.

"What if unicorns were just horses who are enthusiastic with ice creams?!" she shouted

I smothered a laugh.

Miss Badlose glared at both of us.

"Morgan, Frankie, just sit at the table with the three boys. Is that hard?" she said sarcastically.

"A little bit," we both said at the same time.

Not wanting to enrange the teacher, I slid across the other tables to get to my seat. Morgan started running there, and we both ended up fighting over the same chair.

"I have glasses, I need this chair. Its closer to the board," I said.

"Exactly, you have glasses. I don't. You can see perfectly fine with your EXTRA vision," she retorted.

"Hm, why dont you go to my optician and tell him that. Then you can fork out the money to buy a new pair of glasses for me," I answered.

She went silent for a moment.

"Touché. The seat's yours," she said, and willingly gave me the seat.

We both sat down on our seats, and looked at Miss Badlose.

She was glaring at us. So naturally I glared at her back.

She tutted and turned her back on us. I turned back around and muttered to myself, " I hate this bitch so much."


I looked up to see who said it. It was Morgan again.

I looked at her. She looked at me. We both smirked.

This was gonna be a fun lesson.


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