Chapter 23

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*Frankie's POV*

As we stepped on the stage, I tried to comprehend everything that was happening. The scream, the atmosphere, the figure that was standing on the stage.

Wait a second...


But, she wasn't meant to be out for another year...

"Oh that's right, Frankie, I'm back...or should I say, Queen Frankie," she giggled, as she bowed on the stage.

I heard Morgan's breathing hitch, and I grabbed her hand to try and comfort her.

I heard a high pitched giggle, and I shivered. Amber stared at us both, and I sensed pure undeniable insanity.

"Oh," she said. "'She doesn't love either of us' you said. 'She kissed me like that to wind you up, and she kissed you like that to see what your reaction would be' you said. Well, looks like you were lying," she said slowly.

I heard a collective gasp in the audience, as they heard what Amber said.

"Anyway, Frankie. I heard you had a secret to tell everyone. I like secrets. Tell them," Amber smiled, her eyes gleaming psychotically.

I took a deep breath.

"So, we've been lying to you. About the scar," I started.

"Oh, it's that." Amber interrupted. "Well, we all better sit down. Care to join me, you two?"

Morgan looked at me, hesitantly.

"I said, care to join me?" Amber repeated, her voice icier than before.

I bit my lip.

"SIT DOWN!!!" shrieked Amber, and Morgan and I quickly sat on the floor, our fingers interlocked.

"Oh no," Amber giggled, the childish glee filling her eyes once more. "Morgan can sit next to me."

I saw a tear roll down Morgan's face, and I grasped her hand tightly.

A spasm of anger crossed Amber's face, and she reached into her handbag.

"Need more persuasion? Well, I can be very persuasive," she said, and she pulled out an object that glinted in the sunlight.

The knife.

"Go," I whispered to Morgan, and she crawled over to Amber slowly.

Amber giggled.

"That's what I like to see," she said. "Someone eager to see me."

Amber sat on Morgan's lap, stroking her face.

"Oh how I've missed you," she said.

Suddenly, she snapped out of her Morgan Daze, and turned back to me. "So, a story then?"
"Okay, it was Amber's birthday, and we all decided to go to her house for a sleepover," I said. My plan was to try and be as emotionless as possible. I don't want to cry now.

"When we got there, we all decided to play a couple of games. Yes, spin the bottle was one. I had a suspicion that Amber fancied Morgan like crazy, so when the bottle landed on Morgan, me and her decided to see how she'd take to us kissing-"

"It wasn't a simple peck on the lips though, was it?" asked Amber.

"Um...yes, yes it was. Just a little kiss" I said.

"I have proof that it wasn't 'just a little kiss'", simpered Amber, and she started playing a video on the projector that had been there earlier.

It looked like it was recorded directly from where Amber was. Did she have a camera?

She stood up.

"My fellow Morgan lovers, this is proof that Frankie is a lying pig. I'd videoed that whole day, so I could watch what happened later. This is what happened."

I watched as the bottle landed on Morgan. I watched as she bit her lip, and we crawled towards eachother. I watched our lips meet, as we both struggled to hide a laugh. I watched as 13 year old Amber felt betrayed, hurt, and angry. And I watched as everyone realised I was nothing but a liar.

"Isn't it amazing how even your idols can have dirty little secrets. Like lying, for example," Amber laughed.

I saw the respect drain from everyone's eyes, as they realised that I lied to them.

I slowly exhaled, and continued the story.

" we finished playing that, we went and played hide and seek in the woods.'ll let Morgan say that part..." I stuttered.

"Oh Morgan dearest, do tell them the wonderous moment we had," Morgan said, in a voice as sickly sweet as honey.

" r-raped me..." Morgan whispered.

"You know what, why don't I show you instead?"

She pressed play, and I shut my eyes.

Immediately I heard a scream, and I felt sharp metal pressed against my throat.

"Come on Frankie," she said. "You dont want to miss out on the fun, do you?"

yoyoyo! so, school is shitty, im gonna kms, i hate life, whats new? updates will be less regular (not that i post regular anyway lmao) but yh, just letting y'all aware that you'll have more time to be in therapy after reading my crappy chapters. baiiiiiii! ~👽💸

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