Chapter 26

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*Morgans POV* a/n I'm sorry ur probs annoyed at her now but Frankie is unaware of what's happening rn she doesn't know Morgan is alive.

The letter had an address on. I went to send the text but the words, you don't have any credit left popped up. Meaning I couldn't send it. Looks like I'm riding solo.

The walls of the room were damp. My blood was over them along with smashed glass and the smell of burnt tobacco stuck to them.

I hadn't had a proper meal in months. I was terrified for the baby. Or babies.

I would have no way of knowing if they are alive. Oh god, what if I've had a miscarriage...I can't think like that. I have to escape!

A door was on the other end of the room. Limping over there, I winced with every step. My ankle had burn marks from where I was 'punished'. Some people fall into Stockholm syndrome but no way in hell am I falling for her. She wrecked my life and Frankies and my parents and even Jess'.

Oh god Jess. I don't even remember what she looks like. I barely remember Frankie's face or my mothers. I knew my mums eyes were green. I knew that. My dads were blue.

These facts helped keep me sane. I'd repeat them over and over again like a prayer. But never mind that now. With a lot of effort, I pulled open the door. But in that pull, a massive light blinded me. I brought my hands to my face so I could protect my eyes. Soon enough my eyes adjusted and the smell of fresh air made me sigh in relief. Then I cried.

"I'm free...." I mumble, smiling. It hurt to smile. I hadn't smiled in a long time. What's the date? I'd have to find a newspaper.

It was around 5 pm I could say. Almost dark but not quite, which is why the light blinded me. I saw a tree and sat up against it. Just a little rest. Only for a few minutes...

*3 hours later*

I woke up screaming. I grabbed my hair and pulled to drag myself back into reality. By this time, it was pitch black outside. Using most of my energy, I stood up and began to walk to a lift in the distance, probably a shop. When I arrived, I entered and walked straight to the cash register.

"Excuse me ma'am do you need help?" The worker asked me. I nodded.

"I just need to know the date" I request.

"Well, today is December the 16th." The male worker told me.

"Thanks, do you perhaps know where we are?"

"Well, we're in London, on ******** street." He told me.

"You've helped me a lot. Thank you!" I smile at him which he returns before going to a customer.

I had been missing for 9 months. The meet and greet was in March. God my family must be so darn worried. I limp home.

The freezing air, which I'd normally appreciate, was nipping at my skin, causing me to flinch but I couldn't hunch over. My baby bump was in the way. Oh god. They have to be okay. Have to be.

Then I stopped in my tracks, patted my pockets as found I did in fact pick up my keys. So I entered my apartment building. I walked up the stairs because apparently the lift was broken. Then I knocked on the door. My home door.

There was shuffling behind it. Then it swung open.


*Frankies POV~10 minutes before*

"Thanks I guess for watching guys. Bye" I say slowly, finishing my video. I stand up and turn off the camera. My mind wonders to how my eyes had dark circles and the once blue colour in them had turned grey. Soon enough I was lying down on a bed that wasn't my own. It didn't have an owner anymore. I wipe away a stray tear and look around. She had printed out our snap chat pictures with those silly filters and pictures with her fans and family. Then some with Jess.

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