Chapter 14

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*Morgan's POV*

Just go to her house. Grab the keys. Leave.

Grab the keys. Leave.

It's simple, I mean, I steal little things all the time. Frankie thinks I am a kleptomaniac. Honestly, it wouldn't come as a shock if I was.

I knocked on the door. I heard running around inside the house. A crash and muffled groans too. Then the door opened and a smiling Amber was there.

"Morgan! What a pleasant surprise" Amber says, moving out of the way to let me in.

"I just stopped by because I need the toilet. I was running and your house was closest to where I was" I lied. I had worn sporty clothes to 'hopefully' distract her somehow. Frankie suggested the idea so I really don't know.

I had a sports bra on and some shorts. I felt really self conscious but I needed to find these keys. Neither Ellie or Frankie told me why but I trust them.

I walked upstairs to her bathroom, in the corner of my eye I saw Amber checking out my ass.

Once closing the door, I hurried around looking for the keys. I checked in drawers, under sinks and toilets, inside baths, nothing.

Then I saw a cupboard so I opened it and something glinted at the back.

An entire key chain of little keys.

I grabbed it and flushed the toilet. I used soap to wash my hands and then exited the bathroom. Casually as possible, I jogged down the stairs.

"Can't stay! Gotta run before my blood levels drop" I blurt out before opening her door and jogging down her street. As soon as I turned the corner, I sprinted.

All the way to Frankies house.


"Did you get them?" Frankie asked when I was inside. I nodded, being out of breath and not trusting my words.

"Aw my little Klepto." She teased.

"Ha. Ha. Funny" i replied sarcastically. She laughed before heading to her room. I followed.

"It's for diaries! No Frankie. Private stuffs in there! And oh god I stole keys. It could be to let their dog out of a room or something." I started panicking. Ellie rushed over and calmed me.

"Just breathe okay? We will return everything afterwards." She promised. I smiled and looked at Frankie.

"Non of the keys work" she yells in frustration.

"Did you forget who your in the room with?" I say laughing. She looks at me confused.

I got a pin out of my hair and something else then began to pick the lock. It opened and I sighed in victory.

"My little thief" Frankie mumbled, astonished at my clearly amazing powers.

"Ellie's taking the keys back later. I don't wanna go near her house again." I comment, pulling a face of disgust.

"Well, guess what. When the six weeks holidays are over, we'll see her in school. Unless she doesn't get your media classes" Frankie informs me. I groan and put my face into a pillow.

Frankie began flicking through the pages.

"Oh my god guys.."

A/N cliffhanger! Sorry not sorry. 👽💸 will be there to fill your need for the truth soon. Until then. Enjoy life!

The PlanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora