Chapter 16

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Pt 1

*Frankie's POV*

"Mom, you don't understand. I can't go," I said for what felt like the 10,000th time.
"Frankie, stop whining. She's your friend. Now get out the car," she replied.
"I...feel sick," I said.
"No you don't. Now get out."
"I've...started my period?"
"Get Amber's mom to help. Now get out of my car."

She opened the door and shoved me out. I sprawled on the floor and before I could get back in, she drove off.

I was about to start walking home, when I felt a hand latch onto my wrist.

"Won't you come inside Frankie? You're already an hour late. Oh well," Amber simpered.

I attached a fake smile on my face.

"Actually, I feel kinda sick. Ya know, there's been the flu going round: terrible, very contagious, don't want you getting ill. So, I'll just be on my way. See ya later Amber," I said.

Her iron grip tightened on my wrist, and J could feel her fingernails digging into my exposed flesh.

It fucking hurt, okay?!

"Ya know, Ellie and Alex all said the exact same thing-"she started.

"A sign that we should all go," I muttered.

"-and," she carried on, raising her voice, "and I realised that my mom is a nurse, si she can help you. My mom is amazing at everything," she said in a sickly sweet voice.

"I thought you hated your mom? Or was that another lie?" I asked.

A fleeting expression of anger crossed her face, but it left as soon as it came.

"Let's go inside, Frankie."


"I love your outfit Morgan. Where'd you get it?!" gushed Amber.

Ellie and I both rolled our eyes.

"Oh, um...I dont know..." Morgan said slowly.

"It's fabulous. You have the best sense of style here. You look like you make an effort, unlike some people..."Amber trailed off, her eyes scanning mine and Ellie's outfits.

Seriously though, I don't know what her problem was. I made an effort, thank you very much. And as for Ellie, she loves her clothes; she is always very fashion conscious.

I was wearing a simple tank top, with my black ripped jeans and a leather jacket, with my black Doc Martins. I looked the (lmao rpdr s6 reference)

Ellie had on a tight black dress, with her favourite adidas trainers- that girl is always prepared for running.

Morgan was wearing a grey sweater and a white skirt, with long socks and brown ankle boots. She had a white flower crown placed perfectly on top of her head.

Amber looked like Patty Simcox dressed up as Melanie Martinez. She had a greyish-pink flouncy dress with limp bows and flowers sewn onto it. She had a ribbon in her hair and Hello Kitty glasses. She was also wearing these weird fucking heels.

Oh, and the outfit was also for a 5year old.

If anyone looked like a weirdo, it would be her. Not me.

Amber clapped her hands excitedly.

"So, what game shall we play?!" she squealed.

"Truth or Dare!"
"Running Races!"

We all started at Ellie when she said that.

"Ellie, we're at a party; not the Olympics," I laughed.

"I'm the person who's arranging the sleepover, so I'm going to choose," Amber commented.

Jeez bitch, why'd ya ask us then?

"So, first we're going to play Spin the Bottle, then we'll play Truth or Dare like what Morgan suggested, then we'll play Insults like what Frankie said!" She said.

Here's the deal: I'll play any fucking game that isn't hopscotch or any other 5yr old game. But really? Spin the Bottle? Jeez, this thirsty ass hoe isn't exactly hiding the fact that she wants to kiss Morgan, is she?

We all sat in a circle, with Amber directing us to our places. (Of course, Morgan had to sit next to Amber.)

"I'll spin it!" said Amber excitedly. She span it quickly, and it stopped when she put her hand on top of it.

It landed on me.

Amber coughed, and she '"accidently" moved the bottle so it was pointing at Morgan.

This went on for about an hour, until I became the bad cop once again and stopped the game.

"Listen Amber, I know that everyone thinks I'm  a lesbian, so I'm flattered that you think trying to devour Morgan's tongue will decrease my hormonal lesbian urges. But I've stocked up on the girlxgirl memories, so we'd all appreciate it if you stopped trying to eat her face, because she needs it," I said dryly.

Ellie snickered, and I saw Amber glare at her furiously.

"You know what? Let's play Insults, as Frankie is determined to be centre of attention once again," Amber said.

"So, how're we gonna do this then?" asked Morgan.

"Why don't we put our names in a hat, then we'll all draw a name out, and write an insult on the back. We can do it 3times so we have an equal chance of getting a different person each time.Then we'll read the insults once we've wrote three down and guess who's wrote what," I suggested.

"I don't think that's a good ide-" started Amber.

"That sounds cool," said Ellie.

"I'm down for that," replied Morgan.

"Ya know what, let's do that," said Amber.

I smiled sarcastically at Amber, and she returned it with a glare.

"So, let's play."


"Read your's out, Frankie," said Amber eagerly.

I opened my piece of paper, and read mine out.

Frankie has either fell in tar or she's getting ready for a funeral.

Frankie's head looks like the surface of Mars.

Frankie is so dumb, she climbed over a glass wall to see what was on the other side.

I chuckled.

"Oh Amber, you could have at least changed your handwriting. Here are the flaws in your insults:
(1)I'm waiting for your funeral actually
(2)I always say that about myself, so well done
(3)One way glass is a thing."

Amber stomped her foot on the floor.

"Why do you always ruin my fun?! No fair!" She whined.

I rolled my eyes. Yay, another tantrum.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Amber's expression slowly change.

"It's dark right?" She said.

"Does a bear shit in the woods?" I replied.

She ignored my sarcastic question.

"Lets play Hide and the woods."


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