Chapter 22

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A/N-after this, updating will become less frequent cause of school and all that so we both apologise in advance. <3

*Morgans POV*

The meet and greet is tomorrow. It's already been so long since our live show. To say I was nervous is one of the biggest understatements known to mankind. I was on the verge of breaking down and calling the whole thing off, but I'd never do that to fans. They mean so much to me, like they do to Frankie.

"We can still call it off, if you really want to" Frankie tells me again. I know she wants me to be as comfortable with the situation as possible. She cares about me and it's more than what I'd expect.

"Trust me, someone probably already knows because that was on the news and it was horrible, I think they felt like they weren't supposed to know. Anyway, no secrets" I say, raising an eyebrow at her. She huffs and says 'okay fine'.

"Let's get the last box signed, then we can open our normal mail" Frankie mumbles, more to herself as a reminder than to me, although it helped keep me on track too.

I got a permanent marker and wrote my signature on the merch we had. After my wrist was stiff so I cracked it. Frankie's face scrunched up, freaked out by the sound.

"How many times woman stahp!" She yells out. I laugh and soon she joins.

"Mail time, time of mail, get a snail but don't put it in the mail. Mail time!" I sung a random tune and made it up.

"A letter from your mom, your cousin is getting married, isn't she 21?" Frankie asks, looking at me confused.

"Holy moly, I called it, my mum owes me £5" I cheer, scanning over the letter.

"Bills, I'll pay them later" Frankie mutters.

"Erm, no. I will, you can't be trusted with your procrastinater-ness" I exclaim, taking the bills off her. She nods and says 'true' before continuing.

"A letter for you and one for me. Same style so same person" Frankie informs me. I open it and read it.

Cut throat scares are getting noticed but there's something hiding in the shadows. I'll see you there, my little non-virgin

My breathing speeds up. Frankie panics.

"Morgan? Are you okay? Morgan?! MORGAN!?!" She gets more frantic about it. I cry into her and don't speak. She stops trying to figure out what's wrong but instead hold me and rocks me.

"I-it's her" is all I say before handing over the note. Her face goes paler than normal and her eyes fill with fear.

"Oh honey" she whispers before hugging me.

"What does yours say?" I ask, my voice shaking and it makes me sound fragile.

"You'll go off to never land. It's her alright" Frankie reads.

"Never land? I don't get it" I say, what does it mean.

"You don't wanna get it, let's just, focus on the meet and greet" Frankie tries to cheer me up, honestly, I'm still worried but push it to the back of my mind.


I quietly open Frankies door, peeping inside. 10 am was the time and the meet and greet starts at 1. We have to get there early and actually be in non pjs. So I ran and jumped on Frankies bed, giggling like a mad lady.

"Get your fat ass off me!" She jokes, swatting her hands at me. I jump off and she sits up.

"I'm showered and fed and stuff so I'm waiting on you" is all I say before she runs to get ready. I get her outfit from the pile of clean clothes because she told me what she wanted to wear today. I put them in the bathroom whilst she's showering and walk back out. Then I look on Twitter about all the people who are happy to be coming or sad not to be, so I private messaged them.

Me- Hey, I'm sorry you couldn't come to the meet and greet but I'd thought I'd talk to some fans and follow them on their accounts.

Freyaaaaa-oh my god! Is it really you?! It is! Oh my. I love you and Frankie.

Freyaaaaa- @******* for Instagram please and this Twitter account. I also drew some art for you if you could check that out! <3

Me- Sure! Hope to see you at a show + art is amazing!!! <3

After lots and lots and lots and lots of messages later, Frankie was fully ready.

"Let's-a-go!" I say in a mario voice. We exit our apartment and on the way to the meet and greet we payed our bills. It's was now 11:45.


12:00! We have one hour! People are already outside and we are nearly ready. The MERCH is set up and so is the lines for it and the stupid little table you sit at when you sign stuff. I hate sitting, it stops movement.

"Let's blow the roof off this thing!" I say, getting pumped.

"We're outside" Frankie replies, being a smartarse. I nudge her and she just laughs.


"Hi! I'm so glad to meet you" I cheered to a fan named Claire.

"I've loved you guys for so long. I'm sorry my mascara smudged" the girl was crying so I hugged her, Frankie smiled at the girl and we took photos.

"I love this Frankie! They're all awesome" I whisper to her, jumping with excitement.

"For some reason, meeting them has been pleasant" Frankie said, being happy. I hug her and we hear 'awes' and 'ship sailing' and cameras going off. Frankie scoffs and I just giggle.

"Okay guys, we will be back in 10 minutes on that little stage thingy there to tell you our secret. I hope you'll stay for it." Frankie tells everyone, speaking into a microphone. My happiness drops and nerves over whelm me. I make it back to the place where we are staying for the meet and greet and flop onto the sofa.

"I can't tell the story. Please you do it" I say quietly to Frankie. She nods and looks at me sadly before hugging me. I kiss her cheek out of love for my bestfriend ever and get ready for the big reveal.

God I'm not sure if I'm ready.

Then I hear screams as we step onto the stage thing.


A/N- I know it's close after the last one but these are both kinda small chaos and I'm feeling generous! <3 u guys!

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