Chapter 12

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*Morgan's POV*

I sneezed. This caused my headache to increase. My hand flew to hold me head.

"You're sick again aren't you? It's the flu going around so stay home" my mum said to me. I smiled at her and coughed. She placed a palm to my head and went away. A few moments later, she came back with a cold towel and placed it on my forehead. I hugged my mum.

"What would I do without you" I mumble. She laughs.
"Absolutely nothing" she replied before telling me she had to go to work for a while and that my friend was coming over. Thank god. My eyes begin feeling heavy so slowly they closed shut, darkness overwhelming my vision.

My eyes flutter open. I look around in search for water. My mouth was as dry as a freaking desert.

"Oh look, sleeping beauty finally woke up" Frankie joked. I laugh/cough.

"That bad huh?" She asks.

"Yeah" I croak "any water?" Frankie grabbed a glass which I hadn't noticed before and handed it to me. I gulped it down, the water soothing my throat. After a while, I notice that Frankie is being extremely awkward.

"Frankie. What's up?" I ask her, coughing after. She looks at me.

"How the fuck?"

"I'm too good, tell me what's up?" I push the situation. She sighs.

"Just, don't freak out okay. Well, we think Amber is obsessed with you"

I laugh but she doesn't join in.

"Wait, are you serious?" She doesn't answer but she nods. "Oh my god.." My thoughts are filled with made up ideas of Amber watching me through a window or something. I shudder.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner, we were worried that you'd freak out or-" I cut her off.

"Are you serious?! You can't just drop that bombshell on someone! She actually fucking stalks me?! And who's we?!" I yell, anger rising.

"Me. And um, Ellie" Frankie answers quietly. My eyes fill with tears. "Please don't cry-" she goes to hug me but I seat her hands away. She flinches and stands back.

"Oh god I'm sorry! It's the sickness it's making me cranky" I apologise.

"It's okay. But I don't know what to do." Frankie started biting her already tiny nails as a sign she was stressing.

"We stop talking to her" is all I say.

And that's what we did. She left us alone. I hope she stopped stalking me. It was probably a really small crush that she didn't understand.


That's the end of the girls year 8! Aka 12-13 year olds. Next is hear 9. God this story is progressing.


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