Chapter 2

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I'm still in shock

How can she do that?

She is my best friend

I barely eat anymore

I barely sleep anymore

All I can think about is my back stabbing best friend left

She wants to ruin my life

For what? I don't even know

What did I do? How did I do it?

I don't know

This I don't know frustrates me to no end

The thoughts in my head,the questions too, make me dizzy,makes me want to puke.

It hurts me to know that my so called "best friend" is stabbing me in the back with knives

Now I understand why Julius Caesar told Brutus ,even though Brutus.

Now I understand, I really do.

I think what Caesar and I have in common is we both have back stabbing best friends but the intentions might've been different but the situation is the same

(If you don't know who Julius Caesar is: he is a fictional character in a play that was written by William Shakespeare)

I can't talk to anyone anymore because they might become someone close that would stab me in the back with a butcher knife

Sadly betrayal never comes from enemies...

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