Chapter 16

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Yesterday was more than horrifying. I woke up to the sound the tv downstairs and got up. I walked down the stairs and into the living room where I saw my brother watching an action movie.

"Morning" I said as I yawned a little.

"Morning" he replied.

"What are you watching?" I asked

"Just an action movie. Wanna watch Alex , Jace and Kimberly are coming."


"Wow so down aren't you happy Kim- I mean Alex and Jace are coming?"

"You like Kimberly!" I said in excitement.

"No I don't" he said as he continued to watch.

"Yes you do and you can't lie to me" I said smirking.

"Fine. I do. Happy?"

"Absolutely" I giggled a little and sat beside him. "So when did you start to like her" I continued.

"Gracie" he glared at me.

"What? Can you blame me for asking"

"Just watch the movie"

I laughed and kept on watching with him.

A while later the door bell rang and I went to open the door. Alex, Jace and Kim were all standing waiting to get in.

I stepped out of the to give them all some space and the all hurried in. I followed them to the living room and we all sat and relaxed. Alex sat on the stool near the kitchen and started strolling down his phone. Kim sat beside Cameron and I was left beside Jace which I felt really safe with by the way.

We all talked and laughed for a moment and then we heard a knock on the door. I went to open it and saw that nobody was their except that pictures filled the door and I froze as I looked at each one of them.

They were all pictures of us. Me and Cameron. Pictures of our reactions to what he did and pictures of us when we were asleep. All these pictures weren't taken a long time ago. Their is even a picture of the door with all the pictures he glues on. Which means it was taken now!

"Gracie who was it" I heard Cameron yell from inside.

"Cameron?" I yelled back.

"What?" He yelled back

"You have to come see this" I yelled

I heard his footsteps heading to the door. When I realized that each picture was signed 'unknown'. Cameron stood their surprised. He had the same reaction I had. Suddenly a picture fell from above. We picked it up and looked at it. We were both in shock to see what it was.

"Cameron this picture was taken right now at this moment! Look! This is me and you standing staring at the door!" I said as I held the picture. Cameron suddenly went rushing up to the rough and searching around for the person that took the picture.

"Do you see anyone?" I asked.

"No but I think that unknown is either a ghost or invisible"

"What? What did you find?"

"Come up and see"

I rushed up while Cameron held me tightly so I wouldn't fall.

"A camera?" I asked. The camera that I saw was laying in a perfect position.

"The camera has a timer and takes as many pictures and pops them out." He paused and continued."unknown placed this yesterday night." He paused again and continued "this dude is not to be messed with" we stood their in shock and then *snap* another picture popped out of the camera and it was taken exactly at this moment because it was of us looking at the camera.

After we went back to the living room and joined Kim ,Alex and Jace. We all talked about what happened earlier and everyone decided to sleep over.

Kim and I were on the couches and the boys were sleeping on the floor. They were practically snoring so I couldn't really get much sleep. Kim wouldn't stop moving around and murmuring some words that I barely understood. I guess she was dreaming. I pulled out my phone hoping that if I played around in it a little bit I would fall asleep but all I did was end up watching a movie online.

"What are you doing its 5:00 in the morning?" Jace woke up rubbing his eyes while he asked me his question.

"Watching a movie and it's getting intense so shut up I don't want to miss anything!" I whisper yelled.

He then dropped his head on his pillow and started snoring again.

Sorry this chapter is a little short but I'll promise to make the next one longer!

Comment who you think unknown is! ( I really wanna know who you think it is so pleaseeeeee comment and I will reply)!



Also be sure to check out our other story called "new girl" if you do I hope you'll like it !

Love you guys so much!
I would also like to thank you all so much for those who continued reading and for the 137 views! This is amazing for me because it's one of my first books and it reached that much so thank you so much!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Don't forget to comment!



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