Chapter 12

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The next morning we all woke up and as we walked in the kitchen we found grocery bags on the counter

"I brought some food just an hour ago"
Alex said leaning on the wall with his hands crossed under his chest. I started to take everything out of the bags and put them away. I went to the living room and found a bunch of bags on the ground.

"Oh yeah and those are some new cloths I bought for everyone" Alex said walking to the couch and sitting on it.

"Thanks!" Everyone said.

We all came to the living room and took a seat. Alex wanted us to throw all the phones away in case unknown was able to find us just by hacking the phone. We all gave our phones to Alex.

Alex left to throw all the phones away and came back in an hour. We noticed he had bought two large pizzas, one of them was a vegetarian and the other one was cheese.

We all ate and talked. I remembered that I had a laptop that I would always leave in the corner of the living room. I always leave it here because most of the time when we came  I was bored. I took out the computer and sat on the couch. I went on my email when I realized it was a bad idea  and saw a whole bunch of emails all from unknown. A part of me didn't want to open them but the other did. I was scared of what I would see but at the same time curious. I looked around me to check that no one was there. Everyone was in the kitchen laughing and eating what Alex had brought. Cameron was still asleep even though it was the middle of the afternoon and. I didn't see Alex so I assumed he was in the bathroom. I slowly opened one of the emails nervous of what I would see and read it.

"Poor you. You thought I left you alone . Think again baby girl ~unknown" (unknowns email to Gracie)

I searched around for an email but nothing no way to find out from who it was. I got even more nervous opening the other one that was sent yesterday

"Tick tock look at the clock ~unknown" (unknowns text to Gracie)

I bit my bottom lip to prevent me from crying. Yes I am that weak but seriously can you blame me? I opened the other email also sent yesterday

"Time to awake the mice which ones will die and which ones will suffer? ~unknown" (unknowns text to Gracie)

As I read the email I felt breathing behind me. I turned around lowering the screen of my laptop so the emails wouldn't show. His eyes looked furious as they looked right into mine. I got scared for a moment and lowered my eyes

"Uhh hey Alex " I said trying as hard as I can to try and look happy but in my mind I knew that it's not worth to lie to him he already saw.

"What were you doing Gracie?" He said crossing his hand under his chest.

"Oh umm...nothing just girl stuff you won't understand" I lied. He looked at me unconvinced and I continued "uhh ... Ummm.. You know what I'm going to get something to eat want something?" I lied as I stood up.

"Sit.down" he said as he stopped at every word as if each word was a sentence.

I obeyed and sat back down as he came to stand in front of me. "Show me what you were doing" he said trying to look calm and not yell.

"You ...know... Ummm... There is nothing on the screen ummm... You d-" he cut me off

"I said SHOW ME WHAT YOU WERE DOING!" He yelled so loud that Cameron woke up and came towards us

"What's going on can't someone sleep in peace here" Cameron said scratching his neck

"Gracie I won't repeat show me NOW!" Alex yelled the word 'now' louder Cameron stared at me confused. I looked back at Alex and it seemed like if I don't show him right now he was going to punch the wall. My hand trembled as I lifted the screen towards them. Alex started reading every text and Cameron looked shocked.

"I thought he left her alone I thought we won what a this" Cameron said looking pissed

Alex didn't say a thing he whispered something into Cameron's ear and left taking the laptop with them. He pulled  the girls out too and I heard a car drive out. I went running to the door and pulled until I realized they locked the door.

"What are you trying to do?" I felt Jace behind me.

"Don't you I'm trying to catch up with them" I yelled trying to open the door

"How by pushing and twisting a door knob" he smirked as he was talking sarcastically he pulled me away from the door "trust me I'm doing you a favour of not wasting your time trying to open that door" he continued. He still had that smirk on his face as he walked away to the kitchen. I didn't feel safe. I kept on getting scared every time I heard a small sound. I was scared of unknown. I heard foot steps coming from behind me and I kept on looking around me to find something to protect my self with and I did well kinda but I held it tight in my hands until the foot steps back really close and I threw the object at the person's face.

"Ow what was that for?"  As I saw Jace rubbing his forehead

"Oh thank goodness I was almost going to kill you" I said relieved that it was just Jace

"With the ice cream scoop that was laying on the couch Gracie?" He looked at me smirking. And yes it was an ice cream scooper but hey I was scared and it was the only thing that was close to me. Thinking about it what is an ice cream scooper doing on the couch.

"Shut up" I said turning around facing the coffee table in front of me.

"I didn't think you were that stupid" he said walking away

"Would you just let it go " I said rolling my eyes.

He went to take a shower. Everyone was out even the blond guy which I forgot his name because I'm too busy being scared. I was so bored I had nothing to do so I just slept on the couch waiting for everyone to get back even though I wasn't alone.

I am so sorry for not updating in a while I was just a little busy :(

But ... I am working on another story that is not published....yet cause I want to have more than 1 chapter. It's called my journey !

Sorry again! :)

Have a nice day and keep smiling :)

See you in the next chapter!


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