Chapter 8

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"Yo wake up I need to get you to school come on" my brother said as he was shaking my shoulder roughly so I'd wake up.

"Mmmmm leave me alone" I said pulling the blanket up my head

"Get up! Don't let bring a bucket of water" he said removing the blanket off my face

"Okay okay I'm up" I said jumping out of bed

"Fast I have soccer practice lets go"he said running out of my room and yes he is a real good soccer player.

I got up and got ready really fast and tried my best to brush my tangled hair quickly. I went down to the kitchen and got my self some lunch and took a snack also. My brother was waiting for me in the car. When I arrived at school I walked down the side walk that leads to the school's front door. As I walk in I keep walking to my locker without looking at anyone even though everyone was looking at me and no they are not looking at me in a good way.

Alex came up to my locker and slammed my locker door but he was carful enough to not slam my fingers. I jumped s I stepped back and stared at him frozen with my eyes wide open.

"How could you?" He said staring at me you can feel the anger as he said every word.

"Wha-what do you mean?" I said slowly  while my voice trembled and cracked

"I never thought you'd be the kind of girl that steals boyfriends" he said as his voice cracked

"What! I'm not" I said loud enough for him to hear

"Well what you did the other day doesn't prove it" he said also loud enough for me to hear

"You don't understand I was forced to do it" I said while a tear fell down my cheek

"Look you haven't been you lately it's like something completely changed you and I want to know what it is!"he said almost yelling

I pulled him into an empty classroom and more tears fell down my cheeks

"What's wrong with you" he continued

"It's harder than you think" I said crying while I was talking I got a text from unknown. I pulled out my phone and Alex watched as I did I read the text

"Shhh you know what will happen if you disobey should I teach you how to keep a secret" (unknowns text)

I read it and more tears fell down my cheeks. While I froze holding my phone Alex roughly took my phone and tried to look at it

"Alex no stop!" I said crying and jumping on him so if take back my phone but while I tried he had already read the text

"Who is this?" He said looking in my eyes as if he was going to punch someone it was the first time I saw that face from Alex. I froze staring at him and didn't answer "WHO IS THIS!" He repeated yelling louder.

"I-I-I don't know" I said my voice cracking "can you please give me back my phone it's just a spam" I continued wiping the tears off my face.

"I'm not giving back your phone. Second I'm keeping it until I find out who's doing this. Third I'm checking all texts that came from this person" he said strictly looking at me

"Alex no please I need that phone" I said trying to grab it out of his hand but kept failing

"For what following orders from some psycho?" He said holding my phone tightly in his hand

"Alex please it's nothing it's fine" I replied

"No it's not "fine" it's a giant problem this is not bullying these are threats this is serious, Gracie. I'm not letting something like this go" he said looking directly in my eyes

"Alex pl-" he caught me off before I can finish

"Look you're like my little sister and I'm going to look after you"  he said "don't beg for me to give back your phone. It's not happening" he continued

It was hopeless I couldn't get him to give me back my phone. We suddenly walked out of the classroom when the bell rang and headed straight to our class. Everyone stared as they wondered why I have cried some of them had a smirk on their faces but others had a concerned looks.

I kept walking looking at the ground trying to avoid the stares.

The day went by fast I kept on thinking what would happen when unknown found out I told someone and what would they do. I left the school when the last bell rang and went outside to find my brother patiently waiting in his car.

"Hey why do you look like there was a bus that crushed you" he said laughing

"Just drive" I replied looking out the window

"Sorry princess next time remind me to not bother coming picking you up" he said driving

" sorry I'm having a bad day" I said

" hope everything is going well. Do you want to talk about it?" He said looking concerned

"Please can we not talk about it" I said

"Fine but tomorrow I'm waiting for answers and you better have some" he said continuing to drive


Hey guys please comment!

Sorry if this chapter was a little short!

Hope to see you in the next chapter😊


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