Chapter 13

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I was getting tired of sitting, waiting reading messages from unknown and seeing everyone stand in shock. It felt like unknown was watching us like a hawk watches its prey. I was getting tired of hiding like I mean what's the use unknown knows everything. What's the point!

"I think we should stop hiding" I said looking at everyone.

"You're right we should stop hiding" Cameron said and looked at me straight in the eye. He was sitting on the couch resting his hands on his knees.

"Can we please just go now" I said hoping to hear a yes

"Fine we will leave" he paused for a moment and continued "but promos me you'll always be honest with me"

I nodded and we all looked at each other and that's when we all took our stuff and left to go home.

When we arrived I went inside the hous and went straight to my room I've missed it a lot. Cameron came following and gave me a phone.

"Here I bought it yesterday when we went out" I grabbed it and hugged him real tight "but pro is if you get a text tell me and also I'll be checking your phone every once in awhile ok?" I nodded and hugged him again. I looked at the contacts on the phone and realized Cameron already put everyone's number even Jaces. I smiled thinking I could still talk to him. I headed straight to bed and slept till next morning.

I woke up smelling pancakes and ran down stairs. I looked in the kitchen and saw a dirty pan and a pile of pancakes. I smiled thinking how Cameron knew how to make pancakes I mean that guy can barely brush his hair. I took the plate and a note fell I was confused but then I picked the note up and read it
'Welcome home ~unknown'. I dropped the note and plate in shock which made all the pancakes fall on the flour. Cameron came in running almost tripping down the stairs.

"What happened!? What's wrong!?" He said with a concerned face. I just kept staring at him still shocked "GRACIE WHAT HAPPENED" he yelled coming closer to me by now he was right in front of me. He was still in his pyjamas which meant he just woke up hearing me break the plate.

"H-h-he or was here" I said as tears found there way down my cheek. I then felt Cameron holding me in a tight hug.

"Who was here? " he asked me still concerned and still hugging me tightly.

"Unknown" I answered
We stayed there hugging each other while Cameron kept on telling me that it was going to be ok but I knew it wasn't.

We sat on the couch and Cameron turned on the tv. We watched movies and he kept on doing his thing as an older brother. He was still the same annoying ass brother though but I couldn't ask for a better one.

We decided to go out with Alex and Jace to get our minds off things for a bit. We drove to a restaurant and met the guys there. We were seated at a table for four. Cameron was beside me Alex in front of him and Jace beside Alex. Which makes him in front of me.

We sat their waiting for our orders to get ready. I ordered pasta , Cameron ordered Italian pizza, Alex ordered some pasta as well as Jace. We all talked and laughed while we ate. Alex laughed so much at the story of me thinking that a straw was suppose to go in your hair when I was a kid. I rolled my eyes at him. Jace chuckled a little too. They all started talking about childhood memories and laughed along each story.

When we were done Cameron paid the bill after fighting with Jace and Alex to see who pays. I just sat their awkwardly looking at them seeing who's going to win the argument. When we went back home I kind of slept in the car until Cameron woke me up to announce that we arrived. When we walked in the house my heart started to want to jump out of my chest I swear if you were on Mars you would have heard it. I stood their shocked. My eyes widened at what I saw, my mouth dropped. I felt confused. There was a giant canvas on the floor. What looked like a picture college of me and my brother. The canvas was filled with pictures from our childhood and pictures that were taken without us knowing. On the canvas was a note I picked it up and read it out loud "just a little welcoming gift ~unknown" Cameron stood there looking at me in shock. He held me close in a hug like he always does to comfort me since he's my big brother. The only question running threw my mind now is how is unknown breaking in the house? I felt weak  who is this person? What did I do to deserve this? All of these unanswered questions running threw my mind as if they were running a marathon.

Cameron told me to sleep and calm my self down for now. I just nodded and went upstairs. When I opened the door to my room I stood there in shock again. My eyes opened wide, my heart beating like a drum it just couldn't get any worse could it! My walls had been covered with drawings of a boy crying. Every single wall was covered with that same picture. This time the note wasn't on a paper but it was on my mirror written with my red lipstick. 'Sweet dreams baby girl ~unknown' they were the same words my dad used to tell me everyday before I got to bed. I sat on the ground and hugged my knees to my chest "MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!" I yelled as Cameron ran upstairs to see me crying. He picked me up and put me on my bed. "Cameron please make it stop" I whispered in his arms tears still falling down my cheeks.

"It's ok you'll be fine I'm right here" he said sitting on the edge of my bed.

"No get me out of here" I yelled as he looked at me with a worried face "I can't stay here knowing he was here please don't make me sleep here" I cried as I continued "I'm scared"
Cameron gently pulled me out of bed and headed to his room he laid me on his bed and sat at the edge of his bed waiting for me to fall asleep.

I am so sorry for not updating in so long.

Please comment your opinions and vote also follow :)

Love you all so much

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I will start doing shout outs! :)
Also I'm working on a new book called haunted dreams do make sure to check it out! :) and thanks for all the people that waited patiently and are continuing to read this story I am so sorry for the wait!

Hope to see you in the next chapter :D love you ❤️


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