Chapter 9

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Finally it's the weekend which means no school! I slept until 10:00 am comfortably on my soft bed. I woke up and went straight to my desk to get my phone. Usually I leave it there in the charger so it would be fully charged when wake up the next day. I kept searching for my phone hoping to find it somewhere until I realized Alex took my phone. Thoughts of the texts slowly came in my mind. Did unknown send another text? Did Alex read the texts? Is Alex mad? Is he going to tell someone? All these questions haunted my mind. I went out of my room and straight to the bathroom. I went straight to the sink and washed my face with cold water. I stared at myself in the mirror for a few moments. All I wanted to do was punch my self. I dried my face with a white towel and stepped outside of the bathroom. I bumped into my brother Cameron.

"You okay?" He asked me looking concerned

"I'm fine" I answered and giving him a reassuring smile. He nodded and went downstairs. I followed him to the kitchen. I ate an apple and went straight to my room. I needed to get out of the house and take my mind off things. I changed into some skinny jeans and a grey sweater. I pulled my hair in a messy ponytail and went straight to the front door when my brother stopped me.

"Where are you going?" He asked holding my wrist careful enough to not hurt me

"I'm going to take a walk outside I'll be back soon don't worry" I gave him a reassuring smile. He nodded and let go of my wrist.

"Don't forget to take your phone just in case" he said looking at me

" phone is not working so I gave it to my friend. She said that she knew what to do to fix it" I lied

"Fine but be carful and don't take too long" he said. I nodded and headed out.

Yes I know my brother is over protective but I like him that way. I feel safe around him.

I started walking down the side walk trying the best I can to not think about unknown. I wanted to go to Alex's house so bad but I tried avoiding my thoughts but I failed I went straight to Alex and rang his door bell. Alex answered the door and glared at me

"If you came to get your phone" he stopped for a second and continued "take it" he handed me my phone and I took it. He gave me a look telling me to look at my phone. I did as he said and slowly looked at my phone. I saw 3 new messages from unknown and checked them.

"I will get you one day or another
~unknown" (unknowns text)

I checked the second one

"Your life could be in danger if I take you ~ unknown" (unknowns text)

I checked the last text

"Tick tock when will I come? ~unknown" (unknowns text)

I froze its gotten worse now unknown is out to get me!? What!? I stared at Alex. Without me even realizing I felt him hold my wrist tightly and pull me up to his room. He locked the door and heard him talk on the phone the only thing he said was 'I got her'. Could it be? I realized he gave me back my phone. I took my phone and tried to dial my brothers number but my phone suddenly turned off and I realized it wasn't charged.

I ran to the door and started yelling

"ALEX! ALEX OPEN THE DOOR!" I tried to look out a way to get out when I saw the window in Alex's room I tried opening it but it was locked. I looked for something to break it. I took Alex's lamp that was sitting on the night stand. And threw it out the window it broke it and made a loud noise I climbed on the edge and was caught off when there were two hands pulling me from my waist I yelled and tried to get out of Alex's grip but it tightened even more as held me down the stairs one hand on my mouth the other holding my waist.

He took me down to the basement and locked the door behind him as he put me on the ground. I backed up until my back was sticking to the wall. Alex came closer to me and I stood up in fear.

"How could you!" I yelled

"SHUT UP WOULD YOU!" He yelled back and went out of the basement locking the door behind him. Minutes later he came back in and I saw him holding some rope in his hand. I got up and ran to the door but it was locked. He came up to me.

"NO PLEASE ALEX DON'T" I yelled but he ignored me and pulled me on the chair sitting in the middle of the room.

"Alex please" he kept ignoring me. He tied my hands behind the chair and my ankles to each leg of the chair.

"Why?" I said. All he did was look at me turned Around I continued "why did you tie me up and why are you doing this?" I whispered

"So you don't do something stupid like trying to escape" he said without looking at me

"Why are you doing this?" I asked
He ignored me and left the basement and I heard a click when he left I guessed he locked the door. I cried hoping I find a way out.

Time passed and the door opened again I saw to men come in and step in the light. I saw Alex and my brother come in front of me. My brother kneeled down so he was at the same level as I was. I was shocked to see my brother.

"Are you okay?" He asked and two other men came in. One of the had long blonde hair and big brown eyes and the other had brown short hair and blue eyes. They both looked really strong.

"Your asking me if I'm okay! Are you kidding me! Wh-" he caught me off.

"We are not here to hurt you we want to help. " Cameron said

"I can't even look at you right now Cameron WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!"I yelled and cried.

"I'm doing th-" I cut him off

"I can't even look at you right now. My own brother and you I treated you like one. How could you do this!" I cried

"Dammit Gracie we're doing this for your own good!" Alex yelled. I found out that Alex told my brother and he was talking to my brother on the phone.

"Let me go Cameron please" I begged

"If I want to keep you safe I have to do this and plus Alex's parents are out of town" he said Alex leaned on the wall watching us. "Alex will untie you when you calm down and we trust you enough to not do stupid things" he continued.

Alex and Cameron left and the two men followed them out.

I cried my self to sleep.

Hey guys please
And follow!
Also if you like you can check the other story we wrote (M and N) it's called "the new girl"😉
Hehe thanks if ya do

See you in the next chapter!


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