Dying Light x reader

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(Y/N)'s POV~~~

I was running as fast as possible. I could feel pain in my legs but I had no time to waste. I heard that Near had captured Light for being Kira. In the beginning I thought that it was just a rumor but then I got a text from Light. It was just saying GOODBYE. I couldn't control myself and started running. I had a huge crush on him. I have seen his every side from soft one to depressed one. We were used to be together most of the time but then he replaced me with Misa, I was angry on him and had broken up every relationship with him. It had been 2 weeks but when I heard that, I had no time to be mad at him. I just wanted to see him. I wanted to save him. I don't care if he doesn't love me back, I'll love him till the very end. I wanted that innocent Light who was slowly being killed by Kira. I reached at that building. I didn't give it any thought and just rushed into it.


I was late. Matsuda shot Light so badly. I was watching Light, my crush falling on the ground as a tear rolled down my cheek. "Misa...where are you? Where's Takada? S.....Someone.....It hurts....What do I do?" He spoke like it was his last wish. "Light." A painful scream escaped from my mouth as I went closer to him. I knelt down next to him and touch him.

He was breathing heavily as I was crying. I couldn't stop the tears or I didn't even bother to stop them. Watching Light like this was scarier than a nightmare. "(Y...Y/n)" Light mumbled. "Light..." He cupped my cheek and wiped away my tears. "(Y/n)..I want to...tell you something." I could finally see that innocent Light again. "Don't say anything....and keep your eyes open...ambulance is on the way...nothing will happen to you." I was out of control now. "(Y/n)...it's....useless." "Don't say that...you can't give up." I wanted to live the rest of my life with him but damn this situation. "(Y/n)...that fight...." He was trying to finish but I cut him off. "It doesn't matter. I don't care if you date Misa and Takada....I don't care if you would ignore me...I don't care if you would beat me in every test....but...you *sob* you can't die...." "(Y/n)....The fact is.....I...love you." He was just smiling at me. "Light...I love you too...I love you even more than me....please...you can't die." A genius smile flashed on his face. "(Y/n)...I'm sorry...I'll always...be with you....I promise.." He peacefully closed his eyes as I held his head in my lap. I was crying so badly...."No....."

Extended Ending

It had been two years since Light died. I was on my way to visit his grave. I go there every year and sometimes when I feel bad. It was always so comfortable. I could really say that

'He is with me forever.'

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