Light x Dead!Reader

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A/N: Hey everyone, it's been ages, isn't it? I'm so sorry, I couldn't get any new ideas regarding Death note. Requests are still open, you can request anything you want. I will try to update it too. For now, I had this idea, so hope you like it. Thank you for reading. 

Light x Dead!Reader

Light's POV~~~

"This world is rotten." I thought. I was in the middle of the class but it was too boring for me. My mind was wondering somewhere else. I looked at the clear blue sky. The wind blew freely as a certain thought crossed my mind. 'Will she be looking at me?' I wondered. I was spaced out but not for too long. "Light-kun, can you please read the next paragraph?" The faculty told me. "Yes" I agreed and stood up at my place. My eyes ran through the words printed in textbook as I read the whole paragraph smoothly. It was not a big deal for me. "As expected from Light-kun" The faculty praised me before continuing with his explanation. I sat down again and looked out of the window. I was staring into nowhere but something caught my eyes. It was as if a book was falling. I ignored it for that time.

The school ended and my mind was still thinking about that book. What was it? Who threw it? The curiosity got the best out of me so I went to the place. Surprisingly the book was still there. I slowly took it and read the title. "Death Note." It was kinda weird title for a book but it was all black so the name was suitable for it. I opened it and I saw some text. I read it too. Those were the rules to use Death note. "The human whose name is written in this note shall die." I was shocked to read such a thing. Is this true? As much as I was confused, I wanted it to be true. If this book really works this way, then I will be able to take my revenge. But it was probably too soon to be so hopeful. I put that book in my bag and made my way straight to my home. I tried my best to stop but those memories kept storming in my mind.


"Light-kun. That lotus is too pretty." a girl named (Y/n) told me while pointing at a flower in the middle of the pond. We were around 13 at that time. She used to live in my neighborhood so we were best friends since childhood. "yeah" I said with not-so-excited tone but her eyes were sparking with excitement. "I wish I had it." I sighed and knelt down to roll up my pants. "Eh, Light-kun, what are you doing?" She asked with pure surprised tone. Silly, she couldn't understand? "Isn't it obvious? I am going to get that Lotus for you." And before she could reply, I jumped into the water and started walking towards the lotus. It wasn't so deep so my legs could easily reach to the ground. It wasn't a tough job to get that lotus. She was looking at me the whole time with mix feelings of happiness and worry. In a couple of minutes, I was back with lotus and gave it to her. She was just too happy that she hugged me. I diverted my eyes to the ground while blushing slightly. "Oye, I'm still wet." She took a step back and shook her head. She took the lotus from me. "I don't care. Thank you so much Light-kun."


I still remember that gentle and warm smile of hers. Just how pure and innocent she was! I was back at my house. I quickly went to my room, put my bag, took that book and a pen and went to the nearby store. 'Will it work?' I asked to myself. Scientifically, it's hard but what if it actually works? My hopes were getting up. I was looking around when I saw some guys harassing a girl. Maybe this is the right time to check if it's true or not. I took the pen and gathered my courage and wrote his name. Tick tock. I waited. In around 40 seconds, that guy died. I tried it even a second time to check that it wasn't a coincidence. But it worked again. I was sure now. "This works." I mumbled. "Finally, we can take our revenge (Y/n)." I said slowly to myself.


At evening, we were returning home. We still had some distance to walk. "Light-kun, aren't you thirsty?" (Y/n) asked with almost no energy. "Nope. If you need some drinks, you should say it directly though." I said with emotionless face. She chuckled at my statement. "But you still understood." She smiled at me. "Yeah, let me buy something from that general store across the road, you wait here, I will be back in no time." I said and left her. That was the biggest mistake of my life. I went across the road to buy some drinks. Meanwhile some bad guys surrounded (Y/n). I was back with (Y/n)'s favourite drink and other one for me but I couldn't see (Y/n) at the spot where I left her. I looked around but no luck. 'Where did she go?' I was wondering. My question was answered immediately when I heard a scream. It didn't take me any time to recognize that voice. The drinks from my hand fell as I dashed over. I turned to the dark corner and I froze to see that situation. The guys were standing circling around (Y/n). One of the guys had a knife and there was blood visible on it. I was so shocked. "(Y/n)." Her name barely left my mouth. One guy moved and I could see something on the floor. "No way." My eyes adjusted and I could see properly now. I wish I didn't see it. There was (Y/n) lying on the ground in the puddle of blood. One of the guy kicked her and realized that she couldn't move anymore. "Ah, the fun is already over." They mocked before leaving. I was so shocked to move even an inch. The guilt washed over me completely. 'What have I done?' I gathered my courage and got close to her. I took her head into my hands. She was still lightly breathing. "(Y/n)." I called out with lots of hopes. Her eyes flutter open. "Don't worry, I will take you to hospital, will be alright." I started carrying her in bridal style but she hissed in pain which made me stop. "It's too late." She said. "No...Don't say that, I...I can't lose you." I was on the verge of crying. She gave me her precious smile for the last time. "Thank you Light-kun, to be such a sweet friend." And her heartbeat stopped. "(Y/n)." I screamed out loud as I burst into tears. I couldn't save the most important person of my life.


That day, I had decided that I will take revenge. For me and for (Y/n). I will make it a better way for us to live. "Please watch over me (Y/n). I will punish them for sure." 

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