Chapter 1 - A Wife Destroyed

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*Chapter One – A Wife Destroyed*

As she wandered down the corridor a noise came from her bedroom so she leaned her pettily framed body against the cream coloured wall and slowly peered through the crack in the heavy oak door, she looked on sadly as her beloved husband passionately embraced the young brunette girl who was his new mistress; the two made their way towards the four poster bed where he gently lowered his mistress onto it before following her down. She looked away for she could not bear to watch her husband make love to another woman although she could hear the whispered moans which would continue for what seemed like hours until she heard her beloved husband declare ‘I will divorce her, you are the only woman I love.’ The tears which she was shedding halted at this statement and dissolved into her olive skin and she too made a vow as she turned once again to look through the crack in the door and into the bedroom she shared with this sinner ‘if I cannot have you then nobody will.’

With that she turned and fled angrily back down the corridor and into her concealed spell room hidden in the wall and began hunting for a specific book. Once she had located it she flicked through  the pages until she landed on the perfect spell which she quickly memorised before rushing back to the bedroom where her husband and his mistress were sleeping peacefully; she hid behind the door and cast her spell and within seconds her husband’s mistress climbed out of bed, waking him in the process ‘Elizabeth what are you doing?’ the concern overwhelming him as he sat up and gazed at her ‘I do not want to live in sin’ his mistresses entranced voice echoed throughout the room as she lifted a letter opening knife up to her throat ‘Elizabeth, no!’ he leapt from the bed and to her side just as her lifeless body collapsed into his open arms.

His tears flowed over his lovers open eyes causing it to appear as though she were also crying although he knew that she would never again shed a tear. A shadow moving by the door caused his eyes to dart up and the figure that was stood there, the figure he once loved and married, made his blood boil and for the first time in weeks he felt his fangs protrude from his gums as he lunged at his wife.

She tried to keep him away by using her magic but she was not strong enough; the force of his attack knocked her to the floor, she struggled to get away but his hand was locked in a vice like grip around her neck pinning her to the floor ‘what have you done?’ She stopped struggling against him and instead gazed up into his eyes ‘I knew what she was and I was not going to let her take what is rightfully mine’ ‘I will never belong to you’ his menacing tone sent shivers down her spine before he punctured the flawless skin on her neck and drained the life from her as she remained staring at the ceiling.

When he was certain she was dead he stood up and wiped the freshly drained blood from his lips. He glanced at his mistress but could not bring himself to go anywhere near her, he then looked at the woman who he had been married to slumped at his feet. Her lifeless eyes were still fixed on his face in almost a promise that she was still watching him even in death. He felt disgusted by her actions and he left the room he once shared with her. He left the house he bought with her. He left town in which he had grown up with her. He left the country vowing never to return to her.

300 years later in Mystic Peak, Louisiana

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