Chapter 8 - A Whole New Look

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*Chapter Eight – A Whole New Look*

The following morning Christian woke up confused since he didn’t recognise the room he was in, although after a few moments he finally realised it was the guest room that Angelique was sleeping in. However there was something missing from the room… Angelique! Christian scurried out of bed and flew down the stairs to find her, but that didn’t take long since as he bolted around the corner he ran straight into her causing them both to go flying to the floor. ‘And that’s what you get when you run in the house’ Angelique scolded rubbing her head ‘sorry, I wondered where you’d gone’ Christian pulled her up to her feet ‘I’m here’ she sarcastically pointed to the floor.

He embraced her tightly before making his way into the kitchen ‘would you care for something to drink?’ Angelique was leaning against the doorway with her hand on her hip, ‘I wouldn’t say no’ she smirked. Christian tapped on the counter which caused a panel in the floor to lift up, he reached into the hole and pulled something out; he tossed one of the objects to Angelique who caught it due to her vampire fast reflexes. ‘Blood bags? Never had one of these before’ she stared in almost repulsion at the plastic blood bag in her hand. ‘Try it. It’s like a blood slushie’ Christian smiled as he tried to think of the right thing to say, ‘you know that makes me want to drink it even less’ Angelique turned her nose up at the blood bag and placed it beside her on the wooden counter.

‘Alright then pass it here’ Christian held his hand open, Angelique willingly placed the blood bag into his upturned palm. He tore off the tube at the top of the blood bag and began to empty the contents into a cocktail maker beside him, before he shook it he grabbed two martini glasses and placed them on top of the work top. Christian then began ferociously shaking the cocktail maker then once he was happy that it was fully shaken he poured the blood into the martini glasses then dropped an olive into the glass and placed a drinks umbrella into the glass as well. ‘Would you care for a blood Margareta’ Christian asked Angelique in a bulbous Spanish accent which made her practically howl with laughter, she only stopped when her sides began to ache.

He handed her the glass and she took a hesitant sip, ‘hmm it’s not bad but it’s still not the same as fresh blood’ she set the glass down beside her as she sat on a kitchen barstool next to the work top. ‘Well obviously nothing compares to the freshest blood but if you’re thirsty and you’re too lazy to go out then it’s right here. It’s like fast food delivery service but you don’t need to wait an hour for the delivery guy’ again Angelique laughed at Christian’s joke until her sides grew sore. ‘Will you stop making me laugh, I’m not used to it’ ‘when was the last time you laughed properly’ he asked curiously, ‘I have no idea. It feels like I haven’t even smiled properly for years’ she stared sadly at the glass of blood beside her.

Christian gently placed his forefinger underneath her chin and rested his thumb just under her bottom lip as he carefully pulled it so that her face was facing his ‘well now that you’re back I have a feeling that you’ll be smiling and laughing a lot more’ and if on cue she smiled. ‘Aren’t you supposed to be enrolling for college today?’ he asked, ‘oh gosh, yes I am. What a way to ruin the moment’ Angelique smirked as she jumped off the bar stool and hurried up the stairs so that she could get ready.

However it wasn’t long before Angelique was back down stairs wearing a pair of black jeans with an off white shirt and the beige tailored jacket placed over the top and on her feet were a pair of beige dolly pumps. Her hair was styled into a messy side fishtail plait and her make-up was kept to a minimum of mascara, lip gloss and light foundation. ‘You look lovely’ Christian complimented when she walked into the room where he was sat reading a book. ‘Thanks, right shall we begin our undercover work?’ Angelique questioned to which Christian answered with a nod.

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