Chapter 10 - Witch Battles and a Log cabin

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*Chapter Ten – Witch Battles and a Log Cabin*

‘You know I thought that you were just another doppelganger but with a completely different personality, I never for one moment thought that you were THE Angelique Bouchard’ the hooded figure laughed, Angelique was still staring at the figure confused ‘how the hell are you here Elizabeth? I put a spell on you! I saw you slit your throat with a knife and bleed to death’ ‘I’d like to know the same about you; I was still alive when I watched Christian drain your blood and let your lifeless corpse fall to the floor so how in the world are you here before me now? As for me, I’m an immortal witch; I can die as many times as I like but I’ll still come back to life after a few minutes’ Elizabeth grinned. Before Angelique answered she stared at Veronica who was suddenly catapulted across the room thanks to Angelique’s magic, she then jumped to her feet and hissed ‘Christian and I exchanged blood so obviously when I died I’d come back as a vampire.’

Elizabeth looked at Angelique confused ‘but you can’t be a vampire and a witch, that’s just not possible’ ‘oh it’s possible. The vampire half of me is dying to rip your throat out and drink your blood then wait for you to come round so I can do it again and again and again. But the witch part of me is wanting to give you a fatal brain aneurism. The only problem is, which one do I choose to listen to’ Angelique and Elizabeth circled each other, like two lionesses waiting to pounce. Suddenly Elizabeth made the floor beneath Angelique crack so her foot slipped through the crack and broke it instantly causing her to let out a piercing scream, but Angelique soon retaliated by making the raging fire roar out from the fireplace and engulf Elizabeth


‘You know being a vampire helps sometimes, at least if you hurt me I heal quickly so I can bounce back a lot quicker than you can’ Angelique jumped out from the crack in the floor and as she lunged at Elizabeth she created a high frequency sound that made Elizabeth sink to the floor clutching her ears in agonised pain. The fire was burning Elizabeth’s skin but she couldn’t move due to the noise; Angelique was able to grab Christian and dart towards the front door. But as she opened it and attempted to run through the doorway she was stopped by an unseen force, she punched and kicked at the doorway but still she could not get through ‘what the hell is going on’ she continued to punch. ‘Obviously mother and I created a spell to keep the vampire in, we just didn’t bargain on you being one of them. But since you are, it will keep the two of you in here so we can kill you both’ Veronica’s eyes were locked on Angelique’s.

‘So it’s true then, you are a vampire hunter?’ Angelique turned around to face Veronica, ‘yes… but Angel, if I had known that you were a vampire I wouldn’t have made friends with you’ the regret evident on her face. Angelique was about to speak when something clicked in her head as she remembered what Veronica had previously said ‘wait a minute, you said you and your mother created the spell… Elizabeth is your mother?’ Angelique made the high frequency noise stop so Elizabeth was soon in front of her, ‘her name isn’t Elizabeth it’s Carlotta. Elizabeth is her ancestors name’ Veronica rolled her eyes in annoyance. Angelique glanced at Elizabeth who shrugged ‘obviously I wasn’t going to continue using the name Elizabeth Monet. People would have become suspicious and if I was going to kill Christian I didn’t want him to realise that I was back’ ‘you didn’t even tell your own daughter your real name, you’ve posed as your own descendants all these years?’ Angelique was disgusted; ‘I bet she doesn’t even know who her father is.’

‘That is true. She doesn’t know who he is and neither does he; only I know his identity’ Elizabeth smirked viciously before using magic to make Angelique fly across the room and into the mahogany wood stairs bannister which broke instantly and shot into her back causing her to shriek in agonising pain. ‘Now, I came here to kill a vampire and that’s what I intend to do’ Elizabeth grabbed a piece of sharpened wood and loomed over Angelique as she lay anchored to the floor with pieces of wood protruding from her skin. Angelique stared up at Elizabeth with fright burning through her eyes; however just as Elizabeth raised the wood above her ready to slam it through Angelique’s frantically beating heart something collided with Elizabeth’s head which suddenly began gushing with blood, she turned around to see that Christian had managed to stagger to his feet and had hurled a candle holder at Elizabeth with expert precision. ‘Right, looks like you will be dying first Lord Bouchard’ Elizabeth sneered before launching the sharpened piece of wood although it only managed to pass through his arm.

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