Chapter 9 - First Day Undercover

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*Chapter Nine – First Day Undercover*

Christian groaned with annoyance as Angelique began walking away from him; he smirked as an idea crept into his head then clambered up the tree next to him and began strolling effortlessly along the branches so that he was slightly behind Angelique. Christian then pretended to groan in pain before sprinting with vampire speed to another tree which caused a whooshing sound to echo throughout the trees, he noticed Angelique spin around in fright. She began to panic when she couldn’t see him ‘Christian where are you?’ she whimpered as she frantically searched for him. Angelique then heard Christian chuckle and spotted him crouching down in the tree and in her fury she made the tree branch break so he plummeted to the ground although as he landed a piece of wood shot through his thigh causing him to groan in pain through his gritted teeth. Angelique stood towering over him ‘serves you right’ she grabbed the piece of wood that was protruding from Christian’s leg and yanked it out as hard as she could.

‘Are you trying to kill me’ he flinched as the last piece of wood was removed, Angelique then gave him a ‘what do you think’ look. ‘It was only a joke’ Christian defended standing up and brushing off all the forest debris from his clothes; ‘obviously not a very funny one’ Angelique folded her arms over her chest and turned away from him. Christian walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered ‘I’m sorry Angel’ she groaned before saying ‘it’s ok. Just don’t do that again’ she warned slapping his chest.

He quickly grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it which made Angelique smile, the two of them then began walking around the lake to pass some time. All the way around the lake their fingers were interlocked and at certain points around the lake they stopped and just sat watching the wildlife going about their daily business. ‘Christian look’ Angelique excitedly pointed to the centre of the lake where one black and one white swan were swimming elegantly side by side. ‘That’s something you don’t see every day’ Christian leaned against a nearby tree and watched the birds ‘the last time I saw a black and a white swim together was over 300 years ago. Most people never get to see them during their life time’ Angelique’s dreamy voice floated in the wind. Once again Christian wrapped his arms around her waist and softly kissed where her neck met her shoulder, she leaned her head to one side so that Christian had better access to it.

As he kissed her he glanced around to see if there were any fishermen lurking around but when he was certain that there was nobody around he punctured Angelique’s neck and drank a little bit of her blood. While Christian did this Angelique grasped his hand and lifted it to her mouth before biting into the soft flesh of his wrist and sipping his blood.

Angelique soon pulled away ‘we should be getting back, it will be dark soon’ Christian stopped drinking since he could hear the apprehension in her voice ‘what’s wrong’ his concern apparent. ‘I don’t like the dark’ she tried to walk away but Christian quickly grabbed her wrist and hauled her backwards so she fell into his muscular arms ‘I know that’s a lie Angel. You can tell me’ Christian stared into her beautiful lilac eyes that were full of unknown panic ‘vampire hunters come out at night Christian and most of them know about a device which can kill me. I don’t know what the device is or how it will kill me so I’d rather be home where it’s light instead of out here in the open where it will get pitch black soon’ Angelique’s eyes began to dart this way and that. Christian wrapped his arms around her and held her close with her head resting on his chest just above his beating heart ‘I will never let anything happen to you Angel. That I can promise’ he vowed; Angelique didn’t say anything. She didn’t know what to say so she just smiled at him as he pulled away before grasping her hand and leading her back towards the car.

Within minutes the two of them arrived at the car, this time though Angelique allowed Christian to drive since she could see how he was practically drooling and lusting over the harlot red vehicle. Christian was ecstatic when Angelique tossed him the keys and sped all the way home; although every time Angelique told him to slow down he would reply with ‘a Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder is a sports car. Sports cars are built for driving fast not slow’ then before Angelique would have the chance to argue back he would slam his foot down on the accelerator pedal which caused them both to slam into the back of their chairs.

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