Chapter 20 - The Massacre Of Whispering Oaks

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*Chapter 20 – The Massacre Of Whispering Oaks*

After miles and miles of endless running Angelique finally came across a small bar, with a grin on her face she waltzed into the building and managed to compel all of the patrons ‘not to scream or move a muscle’ she then grabbed a young, and devilishly handsome young man by the collar of his shirt and dragged him towards her before sinking her fangs into his neck and puncturing the artery allowing him to bleed to death with Angelique lapping up every ounce of blood that spurted out from the wound. Once every last drop had been drained from the young man she let go of his shoulders so that he crumpled to the floor; Angelique then prowled the room before sinking her teeth into another patron. This was her routine for the next few hours and before she knew it, she had consumed all of the blood from every person in the bar and had left their lifeless, bloodless corpses littered around the room. But as Angelique gazed around the massacre of a room, she felt no sense of remorse instead she still felt hungry. Hungry for the taste of more human blood so she made her way out of the building and once again began running down the road although within a matter of minutes she had arrived at a small town ‘Whispering Oaks’ read the road sign that Angelique darted passed using her vampire speed.

Angelique walked into the market square of the town and looked around at the hundreds of people bustling around going about their day to day lived, but before Angelique could sink her teeth into another victim a flyer stapled to a nearby tree caught her eye; she tore it from the tree and held it up so that she could read what it said…

Come to Aidan’s 21st Birthday Party.

30th March 2014 at 116 Cleo Lane, Whispering Oaks, Louisiana.

Horror themed, so lots of blood and gory spare body parts.

Starts at 7:30pm and ends whenever the police decide to come and stop it.

Be there or be a square!

Angelique smirked to herself ‘I wouldn’t want to be a square’ she dropped the flyer before making her way to the shops to purchase herself a costume, she decided on burgundy and black clothing which would show off her perfectly petite figure and other desirable assets. Once she had chosen the required garments she made her way to the cashiers and compelled the woman ‘you will buy these garments for me but say that I paid for them’ so the cashier placed her money into the till then Angelique grinned ‘thanks’ before walking out of the shop and towards the nearest five star hotel where she used her compulsion once again to get herself the most luxurious room within the entire hotel.

The moment she arrived in the room she dumped the bags on the floor and launched herself onto the marshmallow soft, Queen sized bed that was covered with lilac coloured bedding, after a few minutes she decided to run herself a bath so she made her way into the conjoining luxurious bathroom and switched on the faucets. Water gushed into the oval shaped bath tub so it wasn’t long before it was full, Angelique then sprinkled a variety of rose petals into the soothing hot water. She removed all of her clothes before submerging her body into the water and spent over an hour cleansing and buffing her skin until she was gleaming from her head to her Bleeding Rose Crystal red painted toes. Eventually Angelique climbed out of the bath and went back into the bedroom where she began getting ready for the horror themed birthday party. Or as she liked to think of it ‘the birthday supper.’

She grabbed the multiple bags full of clothes and emptied them all out onto the bed where she gazed at them and thought carefully about which ones she would wear for that nights event, eventually though she decided upon a burgundy corset with a black skirt with a large slit up the side of the leg,  with the clothes she decided to wear a pair of Bleeding Rose Crystal stiletto heels that added inches to her height. Once the clothes were on she looked at herself in the mirror and smiled ‘I look good for a three hundred and ninety one year old vampire’ she then began applying her make-up. Obviously she wore her trademark harlot red lipstick, with shocking black mascara that made her eyelashes appear false although they weren’t, with carefully applied eyeliner.

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