Chapter 2 - Bonfire Night

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*Chapter 2 – Bonfire Night*

‘Bite me’ a blonde bimbo began marching away leaving Christian leaning against a wall in his signature leather jacket ‘I could do with a snack’ he lunged at her but before she could scream or move any further his fangs tore open her throat and drank from the gaping wound. Since the girl was very petite and thin (almost anorexic) he'd consumed every ounce of blood in her body within seconds and it had nowhere near satisfied his cravings. He used the sleeve of her jacket to wipe off the remaining blood from his lips before throwing her lifeless corpse over the Mercury Bridge and into the raging, fast flowing river below. He smiled his signature half smile before it was snatched from his face by his BlackBerry violently buzzing in his jeans pocket, with a groan Christian hauled it out to check the caller ID ‘ugh the same number again’ he cancelled the call and shoved the phone back into his pocket. The same number called him every day without fail but he never answered.

Christian strolled along the length of Mercury Bridge glancing water below him until a vibrantly coloured flyer stapled to a tree across the river attracted his attention; his icy blue eyes darted around to make sure nobody was around before he leapt from the bridge and landed with easy grace on the other side of the river in front of the ancient weeping willow tree that was said to bring good luck to whomever touched it although Christian didn’t believe such mythology. He tore off the flyer before quickly skim reading what it said:

Come and see the annual Fireworks display, featuring the multi award winning bonfire.

Refreshments, amusements, souvenirs and activities will be present.

Come along at 7:30pm on the 3rd November 2013.

Free Admission!

It’s all cracking off at Wickers Park so come along, bring the family and friends and join in on the fun!

‘Hmm, this could be interesting. I wonder if it will be as satisfying as last years’ Christian carelessly dropped the flyer and glided effortlessly through the over grown shrubbery until he found himself stood on what appeared to be a deserted road. However with his acute hearing he managed to hear a car approaching long before he could even see it, so he leapt up and grabbed an overhanging tree branch and hauled himself into the tree so that he had a better view of where the car was. It wasn’t long before he saw it turning the corner at the end of the road; as it approached he got into position.

As the blue Camaro Convertible drove under the tree, Christian effortlessly and silently landed on the trunk of the car, ‘hmm, Psycho Killer. How apt’ the startled driver threw his head around to see who was behind him but there was nothing there so he turned back to face the road only to suddenly crash into a pedestrian sending them somersaulting over the car and onto the road behind it.

The tyres screeched to a halt then the terrified driver leapt out of the car and scurried to where the limp body of the pedestrian lay in the middle of the road, ‘hello, can you hear me?’ his voice shook as he gently nudged the pedestrian's arm before resting his ear on the pedestrian’s chest to see if he could hear a heartbeat. There was no heartbeat so he pressed his fingers to the pedestrian’s neck to see if he could locate a pulse. There was no pulse. He sprinted back to his car to ring for an ambulance but when he glanced over to where he had left the pedestrian, he wasn’t there. The driver lowered the phone and felt something tap his shoulder ‘you know that even though I heal quickly, having your neck broken hurts like a bitch’ the pedestrian (who was actually Christian) pushed his dislocated finger back into place, but before the driver could say anything Christian snapped the drivers neck ‘see told ya’ the smirk remained on his lips as he climbed into the car and sped away towards the firework display.

 Christian didn’t really care much for the fireworks or the bonfire but at least he would be able to take advantage of the evening’s festivities to grab something to eat, since the fireworks would mask the screams of his victims and the bonfire would give him a place to dispose of the bodies once he had finished. Why do you think the fire got so big, it sure wasn’t by adding lots of gasoline to it.

Within roughly twenty minutes Christian had pulled up at Wickers Park in his newly acquired convertible, now all he needed to do was wait until the fireworks began so that he could begin his feeding frenzy. There were the usual type of people who attended those sorts of gatherings there from the meaty jocks to the lean bimbos to the fragrant nerds; all of which were tasty and most of them wouldn’t be missed if they mysteriously disappeared. As Christian scanned the area for a potential victim a fight suddenly broke out between some girls, most of them were ganging up on a smaller red headed girl with thick rimmed glasses which were quickly ripped from her face, smashed then tossed into the blazing flames of the bonfire. The victim was violently shoved into Christian causing him to stumble backwards and become impaled on a sharp tree branch, although nobody noticed since they were too focused on chanting ‘fight, fight, fight.’ Christian eased the branch out of his arm and groaned when he saw the gaping hole in his treasured leather jacket ‘dude this is John Varvatos… dick move’ he began barging his way towards the centre of the girls before yanking them apart but not before he stared into the eyes of one of the bullies and compelled her to ‘follow me.’ All of the other girls separated and re-entered the crowd.

The girl followed Christian as he walked behind some trees; he made sure nobody was watching ‘you tore my favourite leather jacket which is probably the dumbest thing you could ever do’ then before she could say a word he covered her mouth with his hand and sank his fangs into his second victim of the night. She attempted to scream through his hand but within seconds she was dead so her screams weren’t heard. When Christian was done he discreetly threw the body into the blazing fire then quickly found a new victim; this would continue for the rest of the evening until the bonfire was burning taller than the pine trees and the elaborate firework display was in full swing so the muffled screams from his victims could be drowned out by the loud bangs. Although most of the people around were too preoccupied getting smashed on the free booze or watching in awe as another brightly coloured firework exploded in the evening sky to wonder where half of the people were disappearing too.

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