Chapter 16 - Yin Vs Yang

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*Chapter 16 – Yin Vs Yang*

‘Yes a white stag’ Angelique was frantic, ‘they’re very rare Angel and they’re supposed to represent good luck and purity’ Christian gently placed a tender kiss on Angelique’s cheek. She closed her eyes as she relished the touch of his lips against her skin; but the two of them suddenly heard an almighty growl followed by a series of grunts and when they looked out of the window they saw an ebony wolf bite down on the snowy white doe’s leg causing it to bleat in agonising pain. As the blood gushed from the wound Angelique found herself gazing down at her own leg. There was blood pouring from the wound she had sustained when Jonah bit her earlier on that day. As the ebony wolf used its powerful jaws and jagged teeth to slice through the does flesh, blood continued to pour from its helpless body; and the same was happening to Angelique.

The does snowy coat was stained with harlot red blood and as it fell to the floor, the once green grass was flooded with the waterfall of blood. As the doe fell, so did Angelique and the ebony wolf finally ran away and left the dying doe to breathe her last breath. Angelique’s breath grew shallow as she gazed into Christian’s eyes as he knelt beside her and carefully soothed her ‘you’re going to be ok, I can’t lose you Angel. I won’t lose you’ Angelique raised her hand and placed it on the side of Christian’s face and suddenly an image began to form in Christian’s mind.

Christian watched helplessly as the ebony wolf tore through his wife’s leg as she cried for help. He could do nothing to help since he was rooted to the spot. However after what seemed like an eternity the ebony wolf finally released Angelique’s leg and ran away into the forest, Christian rushed towards Angelique but she had stopped moving and her breathing was becoming more and more shallow; he nuzzled her face and told her ‘you’re going to be ok, I can’t lose you Angel. I won’t lose you’ but as he said those words he heard someone say them in human language at the same time. ‘You need the healing powers of a dead human’ Christian whispered to Angelique as she lay on the once green grass and gazed up into the black eyes of the stag she loved; ‘as an un-dead human must save my life…’ Angelique began.

‘An un-dead pure white doe must save mine’ Angelique echoed as she removed her hand from Christian’s face once the vision was over. He quickly scooped her up and carried her outside where true to the vision the pure white stag and his blood stained doe were waiting on the grass; the white stag gazed in wonder at Christian as he lowered Angelique to the floor adjacent to the doe. Almost instantly Angelique began drinking from the wound on the doe’s leg just as the doe began to lick away the blood from Angelique’s leg; the stag and Christian watched in fascination as both wounds began to heal themselves as the healing powers from both of them flowed into the other.

Once the wounds were completely healed Angelique and the doe staggered to their feet where Angelique stood in front of the doe, the two of them bowed their heads until their foreheads were touching. As they made contact the pure white doe began to fade until she was nothing more than a ball of light, Angelique held open her hand and the ball of light soaked into her hand and disappeared. The white stag also transformed into a glowing ball of light and melted into Christian’s hand as he watched in amazement.

When everything was once again silent in the forest Christian whispered ‘what the hell just happened’ ‘oh Christian how can you not understand. They are our animal spirits, they represent what we once were’ Angelique smiled as she stared at her hand. ‘So what about the wolf then?’ Christian asked confused ‘that was Jonah’s animal spirit. He killed me in a previous life when I was a rare white doe and since there was no-one to save me I died but my spirit lived on within the land; and today when Jonah bit me as a vampire my deer spirit was awoken. All that we saw was a flashback of what happened the first time, but today I was there to save my deer spirit and she was there to save my real spirit’ Angelique gazed at the grass where the female deer had been attacked. ‘How do you know all of this’ Christian enquired, ‘she mind linked with me when our heads touched’ Angelique smiled before walking back up to the log cabin.

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