Chapter 1

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A/N: This chapter is short so I can just add a little back story for my OC, but continue reading for more exciting stuff!


"Greg, don't be stupid, it won't be weird if I get a job here" I said to him as he took a sip of his beer and looked wearily around the bar.

"It will because I will constantly be checking if you are okay, there's dangerous people out there and I don't want you mixed up with it!" He said worriedly.
"Please Greg, let me work at Barts, I can show you how useful I am! Please," I begged.
"No I'm not letting my little sister out on the field," he stared me down trying to show dominance but it wasn't working.

"Well I'm attending my first shift whether you like it or not, I'm qualified and I'm accepting the job." I sipped the last of my wine and gave him a smile.
"I'll tell them to give the job to someone else."
"Greg don't be stupid, how am I suppose to make a living exactly?"
"You could work in retail," he mused.
"This is my chance Greg, you know how long I've been waiting for an opportunity like this, don't ruin this for me!" I said upset with the lack of support my brother was providing.

"Fine you win Ellen, take the job, poke dead bodies, it's was you love doing anyway," he said finally accepting defeat.
"Exactly," I said feeling proud that I had won the argument.

A Deduction in Love - A Sherlock/OC FanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя