Chapter 14

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Ahhhhh surprise😂😂😂 been a while but I hope this still emits the same vibe as my other chapters!!!!
I do not own any of the characters apart from OC Ellen! Enjoyyyyyy

It was halfway into my delicious carbonara that he got the call, my brother calling him away for another case he couldn't solve. Why could Greg just work it out for once. We had been having a nice conversation about the different types of tobacco when Sherlock's moaning text alert chimed, he threw down his fork and napkin and told me that Greg needed him. I sighed, if I left this restaurant it meant I had to go back to reality, go home and face Alan while still thinking about Sherlock and all the ways I could cut myself on those cheekbones.

'Ellen my apologise but I've been called to a rather interesting murder scene,' his eyes had lit up with excitement. My heart sank, he will always be married to his work.

'Oh,' I said, not really knowing what to say but knowing that I should make some noise of acknowledgement. 'Are you going right now?' I asked a little hopeful.

'Of course, I can't miss this, it's okay Mycroft's case can wait." My heart sank a little lower, we were still on the case, this was nothing more? How could I be so stupid, of course it wasn't, this was Sherlock Holmes for gods sake, no one could ever come between him and his work.

'Yes, rather urgent, this one involves a decapitated head.' He smiled as I put down my fork and wiped my mouth, trying my hardest to hide my disappointment because I knew he would instantly pick it up.

'Sounds absolutely divine,' I added a small chuckle, but it probably came of as completely fake.

'You're coming aren't you?' Sherlock looked up in eagerness, and a glimmer of hope returned to me. Sherlock wanted me to come?

But was I just another John for when John wasn't around.

'No I probably should get home,' I said thinking of Alan and the reality that was outside this restaurant.

'Ah of course Alan,' Sherlock said putting on his coat, I got up and put my own on, trying not to show any emotion.

We said goodbye to Mario who conveniently said the dinner was on the house and made our way out into the street.

It had gotten darker now and the street lights flickered on, illuminating the quaint street and throwing an artificial orange glow onto Sherlock's carved face. I looked up at him as he was searching for a taxi and wondered if he would ever kiss me, a slow deep sensual kiss that I was eager for. He saw me looking and gazed back at me. I didn't take my eyes of him, hoping that maybe this would cause some kind of signal that I wanted him.

'You know, if you ever want more, I'm always here.' Sherlock said in a low sensual tone. The hair on my arms rose and I felt a shiver go down my back.

'What do you mean?' I asked curiously.

'If you want more than what you have,' he came closer to me and touched my cheek gently with his hand. 'If Alan isn't exciting enough, or even dangerous enough. You know where I am.'

Suddenly he seemed vulnerable, as if he was slowly opening the door to his heart, showing me that he was capable of love, that maybe, deep down he wanted to be loved, just like everyone else.

I blushed and pressed my face into his palm harder, 'I'll give you a call.'

Slowly he leaned in, his lips pursing, the smell of him filling my nostrils, making me dizzy with eagerness. But he didn't graze my lips with his perfect pout, instead he planted a light soft kiss on my cheeks. And somehow it felt more intimate than a normal kiss.

Sherlock pulled away and waved down a taxi, leaving my head spinning and my cheeks hot with excitement. The rest of the car journey we sat close, silent but talking through our body language. When it was time to get out, I didn't want to leave, but I knew it was the right thing to do.

I had things to do before I got that kiss I was waiting for.

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