Chapter 20

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I hope this plot is making sense lol😂 enjoy the chapter my dears!!

We were all sat in the living room, cups of tea in each hand, Mrs Hudson hovering waiting to ask if anyone wanted a biscuit. But we were all too intrigued.
Sherlock Holmes was in deep thought. He was sat in his leather chair, hands in prayer, rested on lips. He never looked more captivating.
"Well," Mycroft asked, his voice growing impatient.

"We know Madame Leverne has a lover, we can speculate this may be Irene Adler, who has been involved with royal status before. However from the security tapes I looked into while undercover again last night," Mycroft's face became confused, my face reflected his, when did he do all this? "We know that she never entered the hotel suite. But she was seen entering the back of the Ritz through the kitchen two nights ago. And she was never seen leaving." Sherlock paused and continued his deep thought.

"Why were you at the Ritz last night?" Mycroft asked, still confused.

"I was meeting with my homeless network who told me about the back entrance, which is when I went undercover again and looked at the security footage." Sherlock said.

"Well then you must have been there when she was taken." Mycroft said, the desperation for answers was obvious in his voice.

"Yes but this is where I am confused myself. If she was to be taken then security would have been notified and the Ritz would have been on alert. When did you find out about her being taken." Sherlock asked Mycroft, placing his hands on his thighs.

"Well I got a call from the Ritz at midnight saying that Madame Leverne had not checked in with her security staff before retiring to her suite. They said she had gone down to dinner and wanted to be left alone for the evening, this was at 8 and then she never returned."

"Well then she could have walked out Mycroft. Why would the security team let her out of their sight?" Sherlock said slightly annoyed.

"Sherlock, she has security on the front door, what do you think I am? Stupid?" Mycroft said becoming mad.

"Well yes," Sherlock said casually. Then he continued, "So the question is are the two crimes connected. Are the robbers and the kidnappers the same person?"

"Maybe Adler found the personal item and Leverne wasn't willing to give it up," I mused to Sherlock and he looked at me, his eyes glistening, excited that I was joining in.

"And there's nothing peculiar on the security footage that you looked at this morning?" Sherlock said, his excitement rising now.

"No, nothing, not even the security cameras outside the Ritz show anything, they must have deleted it." Mycroft said.

"Yet there was no eye witness accounts from any of the staff that saw her leave, or even leave the dining hall, was there?" Sherlock got up now and was pacing, he looked like a giddy kid in a candy shop.

I was so confused about what he was trying to get at but then it dawned on me.

"Oh my god, she's still at the Ritz." I said aloud and Sherlock smiled at me.

"Correct Ellen, we can only assume she is still at the Ritz! You see the kidnapper was after something, they needed Madame Leverne out of the way to give them plenty of time to search the suite, while sending her security team and staff on a manhunt." Sherlock clapped, amused with himself.

"Which means the kidnapper must still be there," I said, the excitement was rising in my voice now and I became eager to solve this case with Sherlock.

"Exactly Ellen, which means Mycroft, everything you are looking for is at the Ritz." Sherlock said, as if it had been plain all along.

"Well then," Mycroft stood up and straightened himself. "We best get down to the Ritz, Sherlock you are coming too, and you had better be right." He stalked off out the apartment, the two security men following suit.
"I'm always right," Sherlock muttered, and I stifled a laugh.

Mrs Hudson beamed at Sherlock, "sounds all rather exciting! Have fun dear but do be careful," she collected the mugs and went downstairs, leaving me and Sherlock alone again.

"Coming Ellen," he said with a mixture of seduction and excitement.

"Oh I wouldn't miss it Mr Holmes." And we went and joined Mycroft in his car.

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