Chapter 4

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I don't own any of these characters apart from my OC Ellen :) I hope you enjoy

leave a comment for what you think so far :)


Sherlock swept into the room and crouch down by the bodies like an eagle swooping into its nest. He pulled out a small microscope and began examining the body intensly.

"The woman is in her early twenties, man maybe late twenties borderline thirties. Blood wounds still fresh, who were they found by?" I asked Greg giving him the infromation I had taken from the bodies.

"Neighbour heard shouting and screaming so she came to have a look," Greg said watching Sherlock with curiosity.

"Well I am guessing that the suspect we are looking for is the same age as the woman, most likely distressed at what he has done but is trying his best to hide it. Its common that the first time someone commits a murder they don't know what to do next." I said to Greg also watching Sherlock, who had suddenly become still.

I carried on with my theory, "therefore he most probably dumped the weapon somewhere random, a place that has no meaning to him due to the fact that he is in a panic."

Greg turned to me in surprise, "I thought you were a forensic scientist."

"Yeah, but I also took criminal psychology at college, to be honest I'm not suprised that you forgot that considering you never listened during dinner time."  Sherlock chuckled, and Greg shook his head in amusement.

"Right I'll go tell Donovan what we found and get a search party for this weapon. What about you Sherlock, found anything?"

"Well I agree with Miss Lestrade here, but I do have a couple of things to add. The man is blonde, tall, most likely strong considering the depth of the wounds, which leads me to back up my theroy that he is some kind of builder or construction worker."

A voice from behind me said, "how do you know that?"

"Well John," Sherlock began, "the smell of brick dust, and hint of vegetation leaves me to believe that our suspect is working on a construction site, most likely nearby if he didn't change his clothes before he arrived. I'll get my homeless network to have a look for some construction sites. We should have our man in at least an hour." He said with pride while taking his phone out of his pocket. Then without another word he left the room, his acquaintance following.

I turned to Greg but he had walked to the otherside of the kitchen to talk to several of his collegues. I felt out of place so I walked to where Sherlock was.

"I'm impressed," Sherlock said as soon as I walked in, but I couldn't tell if it was sarcasm.

"Are you being serious?" I asked so I didn't make myself look like a fool.
"Of course he is he doesn't know what sarcasm is," the short man next to Sherlock said, "I'm John Watson by the way, Sherlock's friend."

I shook his hand and told him my name but I didn't take my eyes of Sherlock, who was smiling at me curiously.

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