Chapter 16

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I will try and finish this if it's the last thing I do!! I don't own any of the characters apart from OC ————————————————-

I sat staring at the white tiles in my bathroom my eyes red from crying. I couldn't make sense of what I wanted anymore. Nothing was clear to me, and it was making me want to paint the horrid white tiles with my insides.

I reached into the cupboard above the toilet and pulled out my anxiety tablets. I stared at the prescription package, contemplating.
It would stop you from throwing up, I thought, but it would make you feel worse, my head answered back. Emergency only.
I put them back into the cupboard and stared at my reflection.

If you ever wanted more.

Did I want more? Was this the cry for help.

I scrambled for my phone and pulled up Greg's number.
"Greg, please tell me you are at that crime scene with Sherlock still?" The desperation was obvious.
"No we are back at Scotland Yard, Sherlock is analysing evidence, but we have Molly so you aren't needed." His voice trailed off slightly, his mind was obviously on the case and not his desperate sister. I don't blame him.

"Okay thanks I'm on my way," I said ignoring the fact that they already had forensic analysis in. And before Greg could get another word in I hung up.

Grabbing my jacket I picked up my purse and ran out the door, waving down the nearest cab. I tumbled in and gave him the address of Barts and we sped down the road.
It suddenly dawned on me that I didn't check my appearance before I left, I probably had major panda eyes. I shuffled through the contents of my purse and pulled out my concealer and mascara and made my face look presentable and not like I had been doubting my existence for the last two hours.

We pulled up outside Barts and I gingerly walked to the door, doubting whether my mind was in the right place. But I felt my heart pushing me to go in.

I climbed the stairs to the forensic unit and wandered through the long dim white corridor towards the double door with the lab. My heart was racing, and my hands became clammy as I reached out for the cold metal handle of the door.
With my heart leading the way I pushed through the door and saw him sat analysing a tube of what looked like ash. His head whipped round and as soon as our eyes locked he smiled.

"So you want more" he said seductively.

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