Chapter 19

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They keep coming tonight😂 I'm just suddenly inspired again!! Enjoy!

The light that was peaking through the curtains rested on Sherlock's face which was covered by his curly hair. I couldn't stop staring at how peaceful he looked while asleep. So relaxed and vulnerable, as if I was seeing the real Sherlock Holmes for the first time. The boy John had described in his blogs.
It was 6:23 am and I was wide awake, my brain buzzing with memories from the night before. My god was he good. I hadn't felt like that since, well I don't think I have felt like that. Alan definitely didn't make me do that. I smiled thinking about what went on between the sheets.
I can't keep looking at him forever, I thought, well I could but I'm most probably giving off a creepy stalker vibe by doing it.
So instead of looking like I wanted to kidnap Sherlock, I decided to make a cup of tea. I slipped on his dressing gown which was hanging from his door and wondered into the kitchen.
The fresh light was pouring in from every crack of the curtains around the room and I felt a blissful peace come over me, as I poured hot water into two cups. I finally felt myself again, I had given into the temptations of excitement, something which I could never find with Alan. Sherlock made me feel free, and being with him was like riding on a motorcycle through sunset covered valleys, with the wind cascading through my hair. God I'm so cheesy I thought, but why shouldn't I be happy?

"Ellen?" A tired voice called and I picked up the two cups and headed back into the bedroom, Sherlock smiled at me when I walked in.
"You're wearing my dressing gown," he said seductively.

"Good deduction, mister Holmes." I said putting the cups down and sitting at the edge of the bed. He chuckled and sat up slightly.

"So we can either get on with this case or, you could come back to bed for a little while." Sherlock said, his eyes wandering over me.

"Well I do like the sound of a case but," I leaned in and kissed him. Suddenly his hands grabbed my waist and turned us over so he was on top. I giggled and kissed him again, his floppy curls tickling me as he kissed my neck.

Out of the blue there was this large bang, and heavy footsteps. Sherlock and I sat up in panic and confusion. Sherlock went to reach for something in his bedside draw when suddenly a voice came from the living room.
"SHERLOCK HOLMES, YOU BEST BE HERE." Sherlock groaned and shouted back.

"MY GOD MYCROFT ITS SEVEN IN THE MORNING, PEOPLE DO SLEEP YOU KNOW." He muttered the word vampire and got gingerly out of the bed taking the bed sheet with him and wrapping it around his naked body. I wrapped the dressing gown tighter and followed him, thinking about what was in that draw that he was going to use.

In the living room with two professional armed men was Mycroft. This should be interesting.

"Well Mycroft, What can I do for you at this hour. Another case your tiny mind couldn't solve?" Sherlock said bitterly.

"I told you he was occupied. But as usual you Holmes brothers don't listen to me." Mrs Hudson called up the stairs. I blushed at little at the word occupied.

"Sherlock, this case is a matter of emergency, an emergency you can't comprehend." Mycroft said angrily.

"It's just some jewels Mycroft, I'm sure she can buy a new pair of diamond earrings. Maybe Tiffany is having a sale." Sherlock said slightly amused. I tried to ignore Mycroft's angry red face but it was hard when his eyes were darting between me and Sherlock.

"Did you not get any of my messages last night?" A vein was popping out of his forehead now.

"My phone died," Sherlock said causally.

"Madame Leverne is missing. She was taken last night at ten o'clock from the Ritz." Mycroft spat the words out and I looked at Sherlock, who was trying to comprehend what was going on.

"She's been taken?" Sherlock said surprised.

"My god boy yes she has! Now go and put some clothes on so we can talk about this properly. I won't be disrespected by my brothers ignorance and his floozy." He shouted pointing his umbrella at me.

"MYCROFT," Sherlock boomed, "do not speak to her like that." I felt myself shrink a little, it was nice to know that Sherlock's family regarded me as the floozy. Maybe I should have just stayed in the bedroom.

"Ignore my brother Ellen, he doesn't understand grown up things like sex." I felt my face become red hot and I shrunk even more into myself.

"Sherlock, get dressed."

"Apologise." Sherlock said crossing his arms.

"Fine," Mycroft huffed. "Ellen my apologises." I smiled weakly but I was still taken aback by what was going on to be honest.

"Right now we will go and get dressed. Mrs Hudson I suggest a round of tea." And with that he returned to his room, his sheet flapping behind him.

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