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Then... I most certainly will NEVER write AMORRA. EVER.

Now... Oh, gee. After reading "The Cave" by masksarehot, I'm a completely hopeless, spiraling, unredeemable, irrevocable lost cause.

Okay, well, considering this is going to drive me crazy until I get it out of my head, I must burden you with my guilty fantasy.

I hope you enjoy. Pardon me for any spelling errors, poor writing, or just plain goofness in this. Please give me any comments and feedback you may have. This is my first fanfiction.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any TLOK characters or storyline. This is completely made-up and has nothing to do with the actual television series.

Every cell in her body froze the minute Korra heard Tarrlok's startled gasp, "Amon!"

Her heart hammered in her chest. No, they couldn't have found her!

"It is time for you to be equalized," came the deep, menacing voice that so often haunted her nightmares.

Tarrlok's dry chuckled echoed down the stairs to her cold metal container. "You fool. You've never faced bending like mine."

For a moment—a brief one—Korra felt a faint lurch of hope. If Tarrlok could have taken her down so easily, perhaps he could take Amon out of the picture for her once and for all. After all, Amon was just a nonbender. He wouldn't stand a chance against the councilman's vicious bloodbending.

She winced as she heard the telltale rumble of bones shifting, cracking beneath Tarrlok's attack. She heard the muted thud of bodies hitting the ground, and wondered how long it would be before Tarrlok descended back down the stairs, gloating in his victory, to terrorize her again.

But instead, she heard a startled gasp.

"What," Tarrlok rasped. "What are you?"

The cold voice responded with the hint of a sneer. "I am the solution."

There was a scuffle of boots against the wooden floor planks, and Korra felt the hair rise along the back of her neck as Tarrlok's strangled yell echoed in her ears. A heavy body slumped to the floor.

No way. Amon had not just...

"I'll take care of him," the Equalist leader rumbled, a low grunt escaping him, as if he were hefting some weight into his arms. Korra caught the soft groan of the reviving Equalists getting to their feet. "You four retrieve the Avatar. Do not underestimate her. Electrocute the box to knock her out before you open it."

Korra felt her stomach turn to ice. She stepped back in the little prison, her back colliding with the stiff metal wall.

"My pleasure," replies the voice of the lieutenant, dripping with sadism.

Korra's heart drummed in her ears. She could hear them descending the stairs, hear the hissing slither as the lieutenant drew his electric rods. Her eyes darted down to the band at her forearm. An idea sparked. It was a last ditch, desperate solution, but a solution nonetheless.

"It's payback time," the lieutenant chuckled.

Korra sensed the shock before she heard it. The box shuddered with a soundless tremor, soft blue streaks spidering up the metal walls. Korra held her breath. The hair stood straight on end all over her body, but no pain seared her skin. She drew her legs up closer to her chest, clasping the fabric armband with white fingers. She let out a mangled yell, as convincing as she could manage.

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