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Wow! Thank you so much for your guys' comments and reviews! I really, really appreciate them. I'm eating them up like candy over here. Thank you so much. This chapter was a fun one to write, I think it's my favorite one so far. I'd be super happy for any more feedback! Enjoy.

There is something deeply intimate about two beings sleeping together without physical intimacy. There is an unspoken trust, a shared need for warmth and security, that permeates the consciousness, deepens a connection, whether the two wish it to be deepened or not.

For the second time in four days, Korra awoke in Amon's arms. At first, it took her a few moments to remember where she was. She could hear his deep, steady breathing behind her, moving the hair on the back of her neck. Something fluttered in her stomach, foreign and strangely pleasant. Korra shifted in his embrace, turning so that she could face him.

One of his arms was curled beneath her head, cushioning her from the hard ground. The other was draped around her waist, a warm, almost comforting weight. She could see his eyes through the mask. They were closed, peaceful. His hood had slipped off during the night, and his hair hung in dark, shaggy locks around his face. With a hesitant hand, Korra lifted her fingers to his hair, smoothing them along the dark strands. She pushed them back from the cool ivory mask, her fingertips skimming along the leather strap that held the disguise in place. She paused. His breaths did not change. They remained even, unaware. Curiosity peaked inside her. Careful to make no sound, she let her hand travel around to the back of his head, finding the knot where the two leather straps joined. Her fingers flailed for a moment, searching for a give in the tie. Then, without warning, his hand shot up, the fingers tightening around her wrist. Korra let out a tiny yelp of surprise.

His gold eyes bored into her, wide and demanding. Korra swallowed. She lay there, frozen, for a stiff moment. She could feel her pulse drumming against his palm. She knew he could feel her fear, thundering in her veins. She tried to pull back, but he held her fast. For a moment, the two enemies stared at each other, still as statues. Then Korra found something in his golden gaze. Something... vulnerable.

She curled her fingers around his, squeezing them once. Her heart still thudded in her chest, but her confidence slowly returned. Her blue eyes beseeched his, searching for purchase.

"May I?" she whispered. His eyes held hers for a tense moment. Then, slow as melting ice, he released her wrist. Korra slid her hand back to the knot at the base of his skull, working at the leather straps. She felt them give, and she placed her other hand against the cool porcelain of his mask. She lifted her eyes to his once more. They were shut. Clenched.

With a slow, tender hand, Korra slid the mask off his face. A breath caught in her throat.

He was not deformed. Not burned. His face was smooth. The high, proud cheekbones were tanned from the sun, the complexion almost as dark as her mocha tone. He had a strong nose, and a firm jaw. Korra lifted her hand to trace his features, the pads of her fingers skating over his full lips, moving up to stop on the ridge of his cheekbone. She frowned. A thin, silver scar marred his even complexion, running from the outer edge of his jaw, up across the bridge of his nose to stop at his cheek. He reached up, catching her hand in his larger one, stilling her movements.

"Your scar," she whispered. "It's real."

He said nothing. Just opened his eyes, the deep amber depths staring into hers.

"It's not from a firebender," Korra murmured.

He slowly shook his head, not releasing her hand. For a long, still moment neither of them spoke. The only sound in the cave was the soft rhythm of their breathing. Korra closed her fingers around his, absentmindedly intertwining her fingers with his own.

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