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Avast, mateys, the long awaited showdown! Don't hate me after this chapter guys, I promise it doesn't end here. I've been sitting on pins and needles just thinking about writing this scene for the longest time. I really want to do it justice.

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Korra fixed her eyes on the water's edge, watching the moonlight play over the sandy shore. She stood tense, folding and unfolding her arms across her chest, pacing the thin strip of beach.

"Korra, you're going to waste all your energy before she even gets here," Amon admonished.

"I don't care. What's taking her so long?"

"She'll show up when she's ready," Tenzin said. "We just have to be prepared for her."

Korra through up her hands. "Whatever. I just want to get this over with. I'm sick of waiting for this crackjob to make a move."

"I'm glad to know you feel that way, Korra," said a smooth voice. "I'm quite eager for this too."

Korra spun, her heart in her throat. A lithe figure stood in the shadows of the sand dune, one hand popped on her hip, violet eyes gleaming from the darkness. Korra felt her feet turn to stone.

"A pleasure, as always, Sakura," Amon replied, his voice smooth and fearless as ever. He shifted his form ever so slightly, so subtle that an untrained observer wouldn't have noticed a difference , but Korra knew he was now poised to attack on the drop of a dime.

The young women's painted mouth tipped. "Been looking forward to this, have we, Noatak?"

He stiffened at the name, but it didn't show in his voice. "How about we finish this now, Sak? Make this as painless as we can for both of us."

Sakura's smile broadened. "Oh, I don't intend to make it painless at all."

Korra gulped. She shifted into a bending stance, trying to keep her body from shaking. Sakura shot her a derisive glance.

"Oh, come now. I'd prefer not to have this little exchange with an audience."

Mako stepped up beside Korra, glaring as he moved to an defensive firebending pose. "I'm afraid your preferences have been noted and declined."

Sakura pouted. "Oh, please. I promise I'll keep it fair play."

Korra clenched her fists. "I don't think so. We're ending this right here and now. Let's get to it."

Sakura sighed. "As you wish."

Then, without warning, Tenzin and Bolin flew backwards through the air. Mako snarled and lunged forward, only to have Sakura turn and raise an eyebrow at him. He suddenly rose up into the air, every limb seizing up. A strangled cry gurgled from his throat, and his neck twisted so far backwards Korra thought it would snap at any moment. An agonized gasp shuddered and died in his chest. His golden eyes clenched tight in pain.

"Stop it!" she shrieked, lunging forward. "Let him go!"

"Gladly," Sakura purred. "Just tell them to back off, and I will."

"No," Amon snapped. Then he rushed her, snapping his fists and launching a tidal wave of water from moonlit surf. Sakura fluttered her fingers, deflecting the attack and sending it reeling back in a barrage of ice shards. Amon dodged them, slipping underneath the attack to land a would-be devastating blow against her side. But instead of falling paralyzed, Sakura stepped nimbly out of the way, driving her elbow down into the square of his back. He dropped with a surprised grunt.

The move distracted the bloodbender enough for her to release her grip on Mako, and the firebender tumbled to the ground, gasping. Korra fought the urge to run to his side, and wheeled to face Sakura.

The Codeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें