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Any-who, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. However, I'm starting to run out of ideas of what to write next! Feel free to review and give me any suggestions you may have, and I just may add them in! : ) Again, thanks so much for your awesome comments! Enjoy this one.

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Korra shivered in the night wind, her arms wrapped around her torso, staring out over the waters of the bay. Republic City's lights glittered in the distance, softened by the marine fog. A few stars broke the inky blackness of the sky, but the moon was blocked out by clouds.

"I trust you kept to our agreement."

"Gah!" Korra squeaked, whipping around. Amon stood in the shadows just a few feet away, his arms folded over his chest. Those golden eyes gleamed behind the smooth ivory mask. "How can you be so dang silent all the time?"

"Practice," he replied, a hint of amusement coloring his tone. "Years of it."

Korra crossed her arms over her chest, wishing her stupid heart would stop beating so fast at the mere sight of him. "I'm alone," she replied, answering his earlier statement. She cocked an eyebrow. "I hope you kept your end of the deal, too? Or is this going to be a sad repeat of last time?"

" The last time we met, I had not agreed to the terms. But seeing as this time I was the one to lay them down, I've kept my word. I have brought no one with me."

"Good." Korra hesitated. "So... what's this about?"

"Your vision." Amon took a step closer, and Korra had to stand her ground from taking a step back. Her heart pounded a little faster. "This girl, Sakura. I believe you met her after our encounter this afternoon?"

Korra glared. "I hope you're going to apologize for that."

"I see no reason to."

"Bloodbending me and my friend? Was that really necessary?"

His eyes narrowed behind the mask. "I wanted a sure way to get your attention, as you seemed fairly occupied with him pawing all over your face."

Korra felt the heat surge to her face. "You were watching that," she choked. She took a step back, curling her hands into fists. "That's—that's none of your business. Mako and I..." She stopped. A ridiculous notion occurred to her, so crazy she almost laughed. "Wait." She stepped forward, squinting at his face in the dim light. "Are you... jealous?"

He snorted. "Hardly. It was simply an amusing situation to intrude upon. Honestly I didn't imagine a scrawny, spike-haired little boy to be your type."

Korra laughed. "Oh? And what is my type, Amon? Tall, dark, mysterious revolutionists in masks?"

"I didn't say that."

"You are jealous."

"Stop being a child."

"Then admit it."


Korra couldn't contain another burst of laughter. "Oh, this is just too good. You drug me all the way out here to whine about me kissing my pro-bending teammate. And I thought you were cold."

"Can we get to the point? I called you out here to discuss your vision on Sakura Natsuki."

"Right." Korra let her grin fade a little. "What about her?"

All teasing was gone from his gaze. His voice was intensely serious. "Do you know who she is?"

Korra felt that old fear creep up in her again. "Should I?"

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