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Wow, guys. Thanks so much for all the reviews. I'm gobbling them up like dark chocolate. : ) Just want to clarify again, since it's been 18 chapters since my last disclaimer, I don't own any of these TLOK characters or the canon plot. I do own Sakura, however. : )

Anyway, hope you all enjoy my latest! By the way, I killed off both Amon and Korra.

April Fools. But seriously, please review : )

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Korra crept back into her room, shutting the door softly behind her. She turned to make her way for her bed, her whole body screaming out for sleep. Then she jerked back, a soft squeal jumping from her lips.

"Spirits, Asami! Do you know what time it is?"

Her friend smiling, getting up off her bed to come toward her, a mischievous light in her eye. "Do you, Korra? You were out there for quite a long time." Her sly grin grew wider. "Anything happen?"

Korra's face grew hot. "That's none of your business," she snapped.

Asami laughed, the sound soft and tinkling in the close walls of Korra's room. "Honestly, I wasn't expecting you to return till morning."

Korra's blush flared hotter than ever. "Nothing happened, Asami."

Her friend chuckled again, sinking back down the mattress and patting the bed beside her. "I'm just messing with you, Korra. No need to get all hot and bothered. Sit. Tell me about it."

Korra gave in a sat beside her, tucking her knees up against her chest.

"Well, we met. We talked."

There was no mistaking the smirk in Asami's voice. "And?"

Korra glared against her knees, but admitted. "And... well, we kissed a bit."

"That's all?"

Korra scowled at her friend. "Yes, that's all, Asami."

The other girl held up her hands in a peace gesture. "All right, all right. Just fishing. Then what?"

"Well, we came to an agreement. This girl, Sakura Natsuki... she's not who she seems. Noatak told me about her. She's a real danger to us, to this city."


Korra swallowed. "Oh, uh..." Well, she'd already spilled it. "That's his name. His real name."

"Ah." Asami cocked her head. "It's kind of cute."

Korra rolled her eyes. "You're not going to stop that, are you?"


Korra sighed. "Noatak grew up with Sakura. There was an... incident, in their childhood, that may have led Sakura to start harboring some nasty ambitions for revenge. He thinks she came here after him. And... Asami, she's the one I saw in my nightmares. She's going to come after me, too. I don't know when, or how. Or even why. All I know is she's bad news. And she's dangerous."

Asami's playful expression had gone, replaced with a deep, calculating frown. "So what are you going to do?"

"We're forming an alliance," Korra replied.

Asami's frown deepened. "That's not something to throw out lightly. You know you're going to have to let Tenzin in on this, and Lin, and the others."

"I know."

Asami's hand found her shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. "Korra... are you sure this is right? Everything with him? Not so long ago, he was the one to plague your nightmares."

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