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Whew. Longest chapter yet! I really hope you all like it. Got writer's block so many times throughout this one! I'm loving all the kind, constructive reviews. Thanks so much! Keep it up, por favor. : )

Darkness. Darkness and pain. Oooh, her head hurt. Spirits, her whole body hurt. It felt like someone had run over her with a satomobile. No, scratch that. Tied her to the back of a satomobile and sped through the streets at ninety miles an hour, banging and smashing her against every building and pedestrian in their way.

Korra opened her eyes with a low groan. Her vision swam for several seconds, and she blinked a few times to adjust to the dim light. She was lying on a cot, no thicker than a few centimeters and filled with an uncomfortable substance, most likely hay. The only illumination came from a small metal grate in the ceiling. Faint sunlight slipped through the thick iron bars, slanting down to play across her face. The cell was only about twenty by twenty feet, and there was a small bucket in the corner, no doubt her toiletry facilities. Korra groaned, closing her eyes again.

How had this happened? How had she allowed her guard to slip down, allowed herself to trust a man she'd known all along was bad news. Korra pressed her hands against her eyes, little colored fireworks exploding against the backs of her lids, and growled at her stupidity. Her stupid, naïve, trusting self. Why did she always leave herself open for this kind of pain? And it was pain she felt. Very real, deep, smoldering pain, like someone had slipped a knife between her ribs and twisted. Her throat clenched. How could she have let this happen?

A scraping sound made her lurch upright, instantly cursing herself for doing so. The rapid movement brought a swirl of pain and dizziness to her head, and she clutched her temples, swearing under her breath. The single door at the opposite end of the cell squealed open, and a man stepped through, garbed head to toe in the Equalist costume.

"Ah, so you're up. About time." The man's goggles gleamed in the thin light, hiding his expression. Korra lowered her gaze to see he carried a tray of food. Water slopped over the edge of the glass, but he didn't seem to care as he set it roughly down at the foot of her cot.

"Amon seems to want to keep you alive. For now. So eat up. You don't get another meal till sundown."

He turned to go. But Korra's heart was racing. In one quick lunge, she leaped off the bed and closed the distance between them, fisting her hand in his collar and hoisting him off the ground. She could see his eyes widen through the green shield of his goggles. She slammed him against the wall, putting all her hate and fear and uncertainty into her gaze.

"Where am I?" she demanded, pressing up against his windpipe so that all he could do was squeak in protest. "Huh? Am I in Republic City? Did he take my bending? Answer me."

The Equalist gasped, clawing at her fist on his throat. "You're—at headquarters," he choked. "Under—the city."

Korra glared at him. Without releasing her hold, she drew back one of her hands, curling her fingers into a fist. Flames burst around her knuckles, and she let out a sigh of relief. The man stiffened, whimpering in fear. Korra let him slump back against the wall, still clutching his collar, but giving him enough room so he could breathe.

"So he didn't cleanse me," she muttered. "Why?"

"I—" the man rasped. "I don't know. Please... don't—kill me—"

Korra dropped him in shock. "I'm not going to kill you."

The man gasped for air, clutching his bruised throat, and staggered to his feet. "You're..." he wheezed. "Just like the monster they say you are. Amon was wrong to let you live."

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