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I'm so pleased to know my Sakura character freaks people out. That was my intention. : ) Many thanks to both hihazuki for editing my chapters, and missbabblingbrook21 for brilliant ideas for my upcoming Amorra/Sakura showdown. Also, ladybugsscareme has contributed to my folder of ideas. Just an update, I think I'm going to keep this story going for five to six more chapters, possibly nearing 30.

Thanks to all of you, especially those of you who have reviewed! Keep them coming, porque me gustan. ; )

All right. Without further ado. Chapter 22.

"Korra, you have to tell us what she said to you."

Korra swallowed hard. "I can't," she whispered, her voice oddly broken.

Tenzin let out an exasperated sigh, running his hands over his smooth-shaven head. "Korra, how can we help you if you won't tell us anything?"

"Leave her alone," rumbled Amon's cool voice. His arm tightened around Korra's waist. "Can't you see she'd badly shaken?"

Tenzin snapped around, narrowing his eyes at the masked man. "I didn't ask you to become part of this."

They were sitting in the lobby of the Shinobi's stadium. All the pro-bending fans and players had gone home for the night, leaving the three of them alone in the cool marble-pillared lobby. Tenzin alternated between sitting and pacing, his back rigid and tense. Korra sat with her knees drawn up to her chest on one of the metal benches, Amon at her side, one arm curled around her waist, his hand resting protectively over her arm. He rubbed soothing circles over her skin with the back of his thumb—and the gesture was possibly the only thing at the moment that kept her sane.

"Oh, but I am part of this," Amon returned, his voice laced with deadly calm. "Whether you like it or not, Sakura has drawn both Korra and me into her sights of revenge."

"Revenge on you," Tenzin growled. "I don't want my ward pulled into this. I've half a mind to alert the police of your presence here and have them deal with you in the manner they see fit. I'm sure Lin's itching to get her hands on you."

"And while I'm equally sure you'd enjoy that, my priorities remain Korra's well being." Tenzin arced an eyebrow at that, but said nothing as Amon continued. "I have my Equalists on full alert. If Sakura makes a move anywhere in the vicinities of the city under my control, we'll catch her. Until then... I advise you keep the Avatar's profile as low as possible."

Korra stiffened against him, pulling away a little from his embrace. "What?" she demanded. "You want me to hide?"

His steady golden gaze met hers. "For the time being, I believe it would be wise for you to remain undercover. The stakes are too high for us to risk losing you."


"As much as it pains me to admit," Tenzin broke in. "I'm inclined to agree with Amon's proposal." His lip curled when he said Noatak's pseudonym, but he went on. "Korra, I want you safe, no matter what we have to do to ensure that. From here on out, you're to be confined to Air Temple Island. No more pro-bending matches, and no more late-night tromps around with Team Avatar. I want to have you monitored at all times."


"I know it sounds difficult, Korra, but trust me, this is for your own good. And as for you..." He turned and fixed Amon with a steely stare. And unless it was Korra's imagination, Amon actually shrank back a little against the bench. Tenzin's blue eyes shone with the same fierce protectiveness as a mama platypus-bear.

"I do not want to hear of you coming anywhere near Air Temple Island, you hear? You're to stay away from Korra. I don't know how to do of you got involved, but it ends now. I want to know that I am understood."

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