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Three Months Later...

"You seem really tense, Korra."

"Hmm? Oh. Sorry. I just suck at dancing."

Bolin laughed, giving her a gentle twirl. Her ankles crossed, and she let out a tiny yelp of embarrassment when she almost crashed over into him. As if that wasn't bad enough, that cursed dress Asami had forced her to wear wrapped itself around her legs, long and satiny and evil. Those wretched high heels would be the death of her. Despite Asami's assurances that she looked ravishing, the blue gown's satin curves hugged her with uncomfortable snugness, causing many of the gentlemen around the ball room to glance her way with thinly disguised sparkles in their eyes.

Bolin caught her around the waist with a soft chuckle, righting her.

"Sorry," she said again, her cheeks darkening.

"S'allright. Nothing like a winter gala to fry the nerves."

He didn't twirl her again, instead guiding her with smooth, easy steps across the dance floor. His emerald eyes looked down at her, his brow furrowing. "You sure you're all right?"

"I'm fine." Korra bit her lip, sliding her eyes away from his. "I'm just... remembering, is all. This is... the anniversary."

He frowned, and then his confusion cleared. "...Oh. Of the showdown."

Korra closed her eyes, hating herself for the way her tear ducts burned. Bolin slipped a finger under her chin, tipping her head up.

"Hey. It's okay." He paused. "I'm sure he would have loved to be here."

Korra sniffed, pulling her face away. She ducked her head, tucking it under his chin so she wouldn't have to meet those sympathetic eyes. Her throat clenched. She was grateful close dancing wasn't awkward with Bolin. After her clear definition of their friendship all those months ago, he was only too happy to slip into that zone. She let her arms drift around his back, hugging him tight.

His hand found her back, rubbing softly. "Shh. It's okay. It's over, Korra."

She squeezed her eyes shut tighter. For a moment he just held her like that, two good friends, close like brother and sister, and she took comfort in his embrace.

It had been three months, to the day. Three months since Noatak's death. Sixty two days since her world had been ripped in two.

The city had changed so much since then. Tenzin had taken Korra's request seriously, and had reformed the entire Council to favor the nonbenders. They had even appointed Gioshi as a councilmember, along with a non-Equalist woman who was a nonbender but sympathetic to Amon's cause. Altogether, the change had served to drastically reduce the friction in the bender-nonbender clashes throughout the city. Korra was being called upon less and less to right wrongs from the anti-bending radicals. She sighed, contentment and nostalgia tightening her throat. It seemed all they wanted, like Amon had said all along, was a voice.

Korra had thrown herself into her airbending training, trying with all her might to forget. She'd excelled more and more with each passing day, her fury driving her movements. Some of her friends had begun to worry, muttering that she'd become obsessed. Perhaps in a way, she had. She was obsessed with erasing her memories, clearing away the heartbreak... although, after three months had passed, she wondered if that would ever be possible.

Bolin sighed and pulled back. "Do you want a little break?" His eyes were understanding. "I'll go get you a glass of wine if you think that would make you feel better."

Korra swallowed, her throat clenching at his kindness. She hurriedly pressed her thumbs against the corners of her eyes, stopping the tears before they could come. "I'd like that," she whispered. "Yes. Thank you."

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