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Inserted a bit of Masami in here : ) I couldn't help myself. In all reality I ship Makorra along with Amorra, also Bosami and Irosami. I'm one of those weird double/triple shippers.

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Mako stood in the doorway of the healing wing, leaning against the frame. A frown flickered on his brow as he took in the two still forms curled on top of the sheets. Korra lay nestled against Amon's chest, her head snuggled up under his chin. Both his arms were wrapped around her, tucking her flush against him. Mako noted that he'd neglected to put on his mask in the privacy of Korra's little room. He looked younger than Mako would have expected. A curl of derision twisted his lips when he saw that there was no scarring after all, only a faint white streak across his upper cheekbone and the bridge of his nose. What a fake. Lying to all of his followers like that. For the hundredth time that week, he wondered what Korra could possibly see in him. Seeing her lying like that, helpless beside his powerful frame, made his blood boil and his fists curl against his sides.

Turning away, Mako slid the door closed behind him and stalked down the hallway. He made his way to the kitchen, thinking to drown himself in food, when he caught the emerald eyes of Asami. His throat tightening, he looked away, turning toward the icebox. Bending over it, he rummaged around for a moment, trying to ignore the feel of her gaze on his back.

"Mako," came the soft voice. He felt something inside him tear. He didn't respond. Just kept digging around through the ice, his hands not closing around anything.

The footsteps neared, and he felt a gentle hand at his back. His muscles tensing, he straightened, without turning around.

"You can talk to me," she whispered, running a smooth, comforting touch over his shoulder blades. He felt his eyelids flutter closed. "What's wrong?"

Clenching his eyes shut, he turned, reaching up to take her hand. But instead of pushing her away, he held it tight. He swallowed, opening his mouth, and closed it again. His tongue felt too dry to speak.

Asami's warm fingers brushed his cheek. "It's Korra, isn't it?"

Unable to hide the truth anymore, Mako nodded. He opened his eyes, looking down at her through vision tight with pain. Asami squeezed his hand, drawing him closer.

"She's happy, Mako," she whispered. "I know it hurts, but... she's where she needs to be. Amon honestly has her best interests had heart."

Mako emitted a harsh laugh. "Since when did that happen? Last I heard he was hell bent on taking her bending and ridding the world of the Avatar permanently."

Asami gave him a sad smile. "Mako, are you really too jealous to see that a man can change? I mean, look at you. You and Bo used to live on the streets, right? You'd do work for the Triple Threads, even when you knew what they were doing was wrong." Mako recoiled from her, stung that she would use his past against him like that. But Asami held tight to his hand. "You've come a long way, Mako. You follow your heart now, and you don't let anyone stomp you into the ground. Can you deny Korra the same choice? She wants to be free. Amon cares about her, maybe deeper than you ever did. I know you don't want to hear that, but it's the truth. He's risked his life for her, his whole Revolution, even. Can you ask for any more than that? If you truly care about Korra... let her make this decision, Mako. Let her go."

Mako shut his eyes tight, gritting his teeth. He knew Asami was right. But it still hurt. Korra was everything he ever wanted in a girl: strong, witty, beautiful, passionate... He swallowed hard.

"Well, what will I do now?" he asked, his voice coming out rougher than he'd intended. That touch against his face slid to the back of his head, and he opened his eyes. His breath caught to see Asami's burning green eyes inches from his own. Her breath was cool and sweet against his face.

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