The Morning

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  On Monday morning, it was a dreary, rainy day in Forks, Washington like everyday before. Harry got up at the sound of his alarm and the smell of food cooking. He quickly got dressed, grabbed his notepad, and rushed down to the kitchen in time for the food to be finished.

"Good morning cub", Remus welcomed with a cheery smile as he finished their breakfast.

'Good morning Remus," Harry wrote as he went to get a cup of tea.

"Did you sleep well?"

'I didn't fall asleep at first due to nightmares but then I eased right off to sleep.'

"That's good at least that you were able to ease off to sleep. Now sit down, eat, and then head off to school. Alright?" Remus said handing Harry his plate.

'Alright, where do I go to get my schedule?' 

"I believe you need to go to the office and speak with the receptionist there."

'What am I going to do? I can't speak Remus. How am I expected to participate in school? I can always try being the shy kid who doesn't speak but eventually the teacher will make me and then everyone will know how different I am from them. I'm going to be ridiculed!' Harry wrote furiously getting more upset by the minute.

"I will write a note for you to give all of your teachers. I can't handle the students but I think your lovely mate can stop them from ridiculing you", Remus reassured him as he went to hold Harry. "Now how about you go finish getting ready and head off to school."

'Okay Remus, I will.'

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