The Wolves meet the Volturi

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(author's input)

On Wednesday night in the Lupin-Potter house, you saw Harry going through his closet to find something to wear and Remus doing the same but for him, Aro, Caius, and Marcus. They had a reservation at a buffet for their meeting with the wolves. The restaurant was the closest they could get to being in the exact middle of the treaty line so no one would get in trouble. They chose to forgo the fancy restaurant in favor of the buffet because of how much those boys can eat. Not long after, they all piled into the car for a second time that week to go have dinner but this time it was with different people. When they arrived at the restaurant, they were surprised to see the wolves were already there. They found the table just before the waitress came by to take drink orders. The boys hurriedly gave their order so they could grab a plate, or two, or three.

"So now that the boys can finally get food in their stomachs, even though they ate before we left, let's get done to business." (To defeat the Huns) said Billy Black.

"Well Billy, this is Aro, Caius, and Marcus. They are the leaders of the vampire government that is in Italy. They do drink human blood but they are in the process of switching to animal blood. You see Aro is Harry's great-great-great-something-grandfather and he wanted to come meet Harry and perhaps get to know him. Since they decided to switch their diets, they are going to stay for awhile; however, they do agree to the same as the Cullens did. We just met with them Monday night so they do understand to stick to Forks and not to drink or turn anybody. Their diet does consist both human and animal but the human blood they receive is from the wizarding world blood donation banks for vampires so they are not forcing anybody or attacking, it is all donated blood." explained Remus, loud enough so everyone in their group could hear but quiet enough so nobody else could hear.

"So you are Harry's family?" questioned Billy.

"Yes I am. When I found out about him, I had to come see him. You see I have always wished for a large family and with me being who I am the only family I have is the ones who I've turned and to find out that I had a living, blood relative out there, I had to go find him. After getting to know him, i decided I had to change my lifestyle. I've been known as the ruthless, cold-hearted vampire leader who has no self-control over my thirst. They helped me see that the person or vampire I had become was not someone who I'd like to be so now I'm changing for the better and they're helping me through it." answered Aro honestly.

"You don't mean us any harm?" asked another wolf kid that Aro couldn't recall the name of.

"No I don't kid. At one point I did but now I don't. After finding my grandson, I want to make myself a better man for him to be proud to call his grandfather." swore Aro.

After a long, intense dinner filled with lots of questions towards Aro, Caius, and Marcus; as well as, lots of food for the boys. They all came to an agreement that makes everybody happy. The vampires will stay on Forks property and behave, and the wolves will not attack them and let Harry and Remus return to La Push. Everyone was happy, especially the boys who ate the entire buffet table.

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