The Guests

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On Monday afternoon, Harry and Jasper headed to Harry's house. Remus agreed to allow Jasper over for a few hours so they can work on their homework together.

*Thanks for coming over Jasper.*

"It's no problem kitten. I love spending time with you."

*and away from your family*


*Thanks for agreeing to help me with homework even though I can't believe we have homework. It's the last week of school and some teachers are still giving us homework! It's not fair!* Harry ranted as he opened the door.

"No it's not fair, but what can you do?" answered Jasper before freezing. Harry turned around to see what Jasper saw and found himself frozen too.


Just one word, one word was all it took to scare the daylights out of Harry. Even Jasper found himself fearing the sour, dark man.

"I see you are still rude as ever. Not even saying hello or good afternoon to your guests." sneered one sour Potions Master.

"What did you expect Severus? For Potter to be polite? Pfft Yeah right." snorted a bleached Blonde.

"Oh hey, Harry, Jasper; you're home. I'm sorry they just arrived and I had to go pick up work from the library so I haven't been able to tell them our story yet so they don't know yet. How about you two go on up to your room and start on homework. I'll finish up with them and then we can get supper on the table. Alright?" said Remus as he looked between Severus and Draco and Harry and Jasper. "Will you be joining us Jasper?"

"Sure. If you don't mind?"

"Not at all. I bought a recipe book that is geared towards your special dietary needs so that shouldn't be a problem." answered Remus cryptically.

"Really?! That's awesome! I'd love to stay for dinner then if you are going to cook that." Jasper said as he and Harry went on up to his room.

"Alright now, you promised to behave. I am holding you two up to that. We are granting you two sanctuary here. Our wards are very intensive so nobody will know you are here. That was how we hid from Dumbledore and Voldemort. We are risking everything by allowing you two here. You could be spies trying to find out where Harry is for Voldemort but we are trusting you so please do not antagonize Harry." Pleaded Remus.

"Very well, we shall do our best not to upset the Golden Boy." sneered Severus.

"Before you continue acting like a petulant child, listen to his story." And from there Remus told them the entire truth of Harry's sixteen years. Remus started with him being placed at the Dursleys' and shattered their belief that he was a pampered prince by telling them and providing evidence of all of the abuse. Remus also told some truths about what Harry had gotten up to at Hogwarts before telling them the reason why the left. The main reason was the abuse but Remus explained about how Harry became mute. "His uncle got tired of hearing his screams from nightmares so he decided to cut Harry's throat and pour a type of acid on it so nothing will heal it. I guess he figured once we learned of it, we will try to fix it and probably will succeed so he wanted to make sure that didn't happen. No matter what I do; spells, potions, even muggle means; I can't heal it. So he communicates through sign and writing notes."

"Excuse me." Severus said and rushed out of the room.

"Severus is just needing some alone time to realize that the 'Golden Boy' who he has bullied since our first year isn't who he thought, he is actually a lot like Severus and he's just having a rough time seeing that. All of our years, he believed Potter to be arrogant and exactly what he pictured him to be so know that he is faced with the fact that Potter is very different from what Severus pictured him to be, well he doesn't like it." answered Draco when he saw Remus' confused expression."

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