The Boyfriend meets the Grandfather

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Later that night, during Aro's rant about how stupid both World Wars were, Harry got a text from Jasper saying that they were back home. Thinking quickly, he typed a reply.

'Hey, since you're already back, do you think you might want to meet Aro, my grandfather, and not Aro, the harsh vampire ruler? -H'

'Hey, umm sure I guess I could. No pressure, right? -J'

'No, it's no pressure. I just would like to see you since I haven't since Friday and I know I'll see you all day tomorrow, it's just that I missed you and since Aro is here I thought maybe you can properly meet him and then we can hang out. -H'

'Sure I'd love to. Be there in a few. -J'


Harry then heard the doorbell, and knowing who it was, rushed downstairs to open the door before anyone else could. Namely....Aro. Down the stairs he went, banging on the walls to tell the others that he was getting the door. Sometimes, just sometimes, it was annoying not being able to talk. He got to the door quickly and wrenched it open in full view of the amused guests and his extremely amused papa, who smelt Jasper's scent and felt the wards going off so he knew exactly who was at the door.

*Hey Jasper* signed Harry who was slightly out of breath.

"Hey Harry."

*I thought you said you would be here in a few.*

"Yeah, a few seconds. We're practically neighbors. Forks is a small town and yall chose to live on the outskirts just like us."

"Hey cub, mind letting your company in?" asked Remus looking far too amused for his sake.

*Oh of course. Come in Jasper. You obviously know papa and I want you to meet Aro, Caius, and Marcus; my ancestors.* signed Harry while blushing.

"Hello, good evening sirs. I'm sorry for intruding during your visit but Harry asked me if I wanted to come over and hang out." asked Jasper as nicely as he could. He was a little nervous seeing as how they are notorious for being mean and well evil.

"Good evening, young Cullen. It is quite alright. Harry has been telling us about his beloved mate and how you are courting him. Is that right?" asked Aro sounding sincere and threatening at the same time. And from the looks of Caius and Marcus, it was on purpose.

"Yes sirs I am. He is my mate and I've been waiting my whole life for him so I'm not going to scare him away by going too fast."

"Keep it up Cullen."

*Pappous! You promised you would behave!*

"I am behaving Harry." said Aro. Jasper would almost say that it sounded like a whine but he didn't want to say or think that too loud. He liked living thank you very much.

"How about you and Jasper go up to your room Harry, so you two can spend some time together before it's curfew." suggested Remus.

*Thank you papa. We will.*

"You trust them two alone in his bedroom?" questioned Marcus incredulously.

"Yes because I trust that Jasper knows not to hurt Harry that way." said Remus while glaring a little at Jasper, as if daring him to even think other wise.

"Of course sir, I would never force anything on your son and grandson. I would never hurt him in anyway possible and if I do I know that there will be a line to make sure I would never have the chance to do it again, including myself." rushed Jasper in hopes to calm both the werewolf and the vampire.

*PAPA! PAPPOUS! Stop you're embarrassing me!*

"That is our job, cub. Now go on, I trust you two. Don't let it be a mistake." warned Remus.

*We won't*

"We won't"


*So how do you like my pappous?*

"He's different from what I know. He must have told yall the truth about wanting a family because all I've witnessed from him is coldness and unfeeling but whenever he looks at you, it's like you are his whole world and he is very protective of you. I can get along with him just for that reason because I'm protective of you too."

*I can take care of myself you know.*

"Yes I know but you don't have to."

*How was hunting?* asked Harry wanting to get off of that topic.

"It was nice. We caught a couple of bears which Emmett was excited about." at Harry's questioning look he explained further, "bears are Emmett's favorite."

*Oh. What about you? Do you have a favorite?*

"Well, I happen to like mountain lions."

*Wow really?*

"Yeah, what about you?"

*What about me?*

"What's your favorite food?"

*Oh. Back home there was a treat called Treacle Tart. Those were my favorite. At school they would sometimes serve it for dessert and whenever they do I would always eat more than my fair share. I was also pretty good friends with the cooks so whenever I wanted I could and would have Treacle Tart.*

"Hmm now I wished I could eat real food just so I can taste your favorite food."

Harry and Jasper sat there talking for a couple of hours. They talked about all sorts of things; from favorites, to dislikes. And Jasper stuck to his vow, not once while he was there did they engage in any behaviors that would have him torn up into pieces and caught on fire. Because that is exactly what he thinks would happen if he does step out of, or into Harry's boundaries. Soon enough Remus was calling up to them saying that Jasper had to go home since it is almost curfew.

*I'm sorry we couldn't hang out more.*

"Don't be. I'm happy hanging out with you no matter how long we have. At least we have all of our classes together tomorrow so we'll be able to hang out more then."

*Yeah I guess you're right. Good night Jasper.*

"Good night kitten. Sweet dreams." After Jasper finished saying sweet dreams, Harry reached up and wrapped his arms around Jasper's neck to give him a hug. Jasper proceeded to wrap his arms around Harry's tiny waste but made sure not to squeeze too hard.

*Good night*

"Good night."


"Cullen." barked out Aro.

"Yes sir."

"See I can threaten you for your entire lifetime about not hurting my grandson but I have heard you talking with him and so I know that you won't but I still have to say that if you do, I will make it my life's goal to make you regret it. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir. I'd rather die than hurt Harry. I'd rather get my old punishments and rewards from the army of newborns I was in than hurt Harry. They would keep injecting us with venom to encourage us or discipline us and I would rather go through all of that over and over again than even think about making Harry cry."

"You are a good boy, Cullen. You would be a good mate for Harry. Don't let me be wrong." warned Aro before giving Jasper a clap on the back with enough force to make a normal person fall down.

"I won't sir and please will you call me Jasper." Not hearing an answer Jasper headed home thinking of his weird conversation with Aro the leader of the Volturi, who instead sounded and acted like a concerned family member. Maybe they are different than from what we know.

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