The End

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After the wedding, Harry and Jasper took a portkey to the island that Jasper bought for Harry. That night they completed the bond and killed the horcrux in Harry. Jasper bit Harry in several places to ensure that the venom spread everywhere throughout Harry's body, including to his scar where the horcrux was located. It took three days before Harry woke up as a vampire but the horcrux died on the first day.

'It's done. The horcrux is gone.' Jasper texted Remus as he held Harry's hand throughout his transformation. In a few seconds his phone buzzed letting him know that he received a message.

'Great! Severus is in England watching over the decaying of Voldemort and Nagini. Don't worry we will know if it is finally done. Thank you and watch over him please.'

Jasper set his phone aside to watch Harry. He was writhing and screaming in pain as the venom spread throughout his body. Jasper knew what it felt like; it was like fire was racing through your veins, a never ending inferno setting your blood on fire. He hated that Harry had to go through that pain, especially since he's already been hurt bad before, but there was no other option. What Jasper hated more though was the thought of losing Harry's beautiful green eyes.

The first passed and the second was nearing its end. Harry's heart had finally stopped but there was still awhile to go before he woke up, if he woke up. Remus and Severus weren't sure how Harry's magic would react to the venom; they hoped that his magic would realize that the venom was from his mate but there was no telling. He had another day before he would find out before. It took three days after being bitten to turn into a full-fledged vampire. Jasper still hasn't heard anything from the others on whether or not Voldemort was gone. He hoped that he would be dead before Harry woke up so he would be able to truly start a fresh new life.



It's been three days since Potter's horcrux was destroyed. Nagini had already succumbed to the poison but now all that was left was that monster himself. Suddenly an intense pain ran up his left arm; he was being called. He swept into the main room where an empty shell of a man sat. He was phenomenal man when he was younger but now he was no where near who he was before. He was a shell of who he once was.

"Yes my lord?"

"Ssssseverusss, what is wrong with me? You keep giving me potions but I am getting worse. Fix this!" Voldemort hissed.

"I'm sorry my lord but I don't know what's going on. It seems you're severely allergic to any potion I try to give you." Severus said lying through his teeth. Of course he was allergic to the potions, they were poison. It was a surprise that this thing has made it this far, that man was suppose to be the at the top of his classes but he couldn't tell that he has been taking poison. He was just as daft as Severus' students, perhaps even more so.

"Ssssseverus," Voldemort hissed before he started hacking up whatever was left of his lungs. Severus wasn't surprised that he started coughing up blood. It should be at any time now. "Ssssseverus, you have failed me." more coughing but now he is convulsing. Hmmm not too long indeed. "Ssss-sss-se-eee-verus, y-ou did th-this to me." hissed Voldemort as he collapsed onto the ground. "Why betray me?"

"You are a monster."

"Y-you poisoned me. Y-you poisoned my Nagini." stated Voldemort.

"Yes. All of your horcruxes are gone so when you take your final breath, you will take your final breath. You will not come back. Goodbye Tom Riddle, I hope you enjoyed your rather short life."

And with that, Thomas Marvolo Riddle, aka Lord Voldemort, took his last breath as he joined the thing he feared the most, Death. Now everyone can rest in peace. Severus apparated out of there before aurors swarm the place and he went back to Forks, Washington to break the news of their freedom. As soon as he cracked into the Cullens living room, ignoring the wands pointing at him and the vampires snarling, he said two words;

"It's over."

And the entire house erupted into cheers. They were free.


'It's over.'

Jasper got that text early in the morning of the third day and he was relieved. It was done, his mate doesn't have to worry about that any more. Harry will be able to finally relax and live his life, truly live his life. And Jasper will be with him every step of the way. Speaking of which, his mate was stirring.

"Harry? Kitten? Can you hear me?" Jasper said as he scooted back to give the newborn some room. "Come on baby, wake up." He was slightly disappointed when he saw red eyes instead of brilliant green but he already knew that Harry wouldn't keep his original eye color.

"Hey." The red eyes blinked up at him and then gave him a small wave.


"Are you hungry?" The red eyes looked a little confused before giving a small nod. "Do you want to go hunt first or see yourself first? See what changed?" Harry gave another nod at the last one so Jasper escorted Harry to the nearest bathroom, the master bath, and let Harry inspect himself in the mirror.

"You know I don't see your scar." Red eyes looked at him questioning before pushing back his bangs to see a smooth, scar-free forehead.

"Well, yes you don't have that scar anymore because the horcrux is gone; including Voldemort himself. But I was talking about the one around your throat."

*He's gone. Really?!* Harry finally signed his first full sentence as a vampire.

"Yes, he's really gone Harry." Jasper barely had time to react when a flying blur raced into his side. Jasper caught his little mate who was almost purring in happiness. "You're free kitten, you can finally live your life."

*The scar Uncle Vernon gave me is gone?* asked Harry as he went back to the mirror to check out his throat.

"Yes it is. I don't see it. Maybe the vampire venom healed it, unlike magic." Jasper theorized.

The more he thought about it, the more sense it made. The venom turns you into a vampire, erasing all of your past making you seem perfect. The only scars that kept were vampire induced so naturally the scar his Uncle inflicted on him wouldn't stick. The venom would heal it.

Harry looked at his reflection for a little while thinking about the possibility of the scar being healed. His uncle had made sure that nothing would fix him but he never considered vampire venom. If it got rid of his curse scar and horcrux then maybe....

"J-jas-perr-" Harry stuttered out. It's been several months since he last used his voice. "Jasper"

"Harry? Are you? Are you speaking?" Jasper asked incredulously.

"Y-yes, I am. I'm speaking Jasper! I can talk!" Harry exclaimed, still a little quiet but that can be excused. "I love you Jasper." That was the first time he had said 'I love you' to Jasper, truly say 'I love you' and not sign it. Ever since they started dating, Harry has always wanted to actually talk to Jasper. He lucked out with his mate being able to understand him but to actually talk is different than having to translate what he says. Now though, now he can speak, he can tell Jasper everything he has always wanted to say and that starts with; "I love you Jasper, my husband, my mate."

"And I love you Harry, my husband, my mate."

Edit: 9/9/22 - I've changed my email and wattpad does not want to recognize that I want to update my email. It keeps saying that the email is already registered, but that's my email! But when I go to sign in with that email to delete the account, it tells me that there is no account with that email. Frustrating. So, I'm in the process of transferring all of my stories to, so I'll still have them. I'm going to leave the stories on here, but in the soon future, I'm no longer going to receive notifications since my email is going to be different. 

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