The Truth

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Harry and Severus stared at each other for a few minutes before Severus let out a sigh and began to speak.

"I'm sorry."


"I said I was sorry." snapped Snape. (Yes I know what I did)

*What for?*

"For assuming you were someone you were not. Me and your mother were very good friends, the best of friends. We did everything together, up until we got sorted into rival houses. She promised me that our houses won't get in the way but slowly they did. She made friends in Gryffindor and they didn't want to hang around a slimy snake like me. She still gave me attention but then James Potter stepped into the picture. Everyone knew he liked her. He had a major crush on her and he didn't hide it. He kept trying to impress her with his jokes and pranks but she never found them funny. The only good thing that came out of that was that she hung around me more. But he noticed that and he said that he didn't want to lose her to a slimy snake so he started pranking me and bullying me. He never saw it as bullying but it was. You saw the memory Potter of what they have done to me, that wasn't even the tip of the iceburg. However, the more he pranked, the more she hated him; the more she hated him, the more she hung out with me; and the more she hung out with me, the more he pranked. It was a vicious never ending cycle. I deeply regret when I called her that word. I never meant it and to this day I will always remember the look on her face. James Potter won that day because I lost. You will always be the constant reminder that she chose him. She was my best friend and he was my bully. I hated you the moment you were born, knowing you would become just like him and then that night happened and from the night you became the reminder that she died. You were the reason why she died. I wanted to hate you. It was your fault she was dead and you looked so much like him but you have her eyes and her heart. You reminded me of her and I couldn't stand it. I had to hate you because of my position as spy. I never truly believed that the Dark Lord was gone and I knew that the Death Eaters' kids will tell their parents who then turns and tells him whenever I'm buddy-buddy with the Boy-who-lived. So I had to hate you and after awhile I truly began to believed what I tried to make myself believe in order to hate you. Even though, the facts were staring straight at me. We come from very similar backgrounds and Lily was my only hope, my only friend. She would heal me after my father got to rough, and so knowing what I do now makes me feel worse. I swore to protect you, you were her world, she loved you with all of her heart. I wouldn't be surprised if she loved you more than she loved your father so I swore to her that I would protect you. I may have hated you, acted like I hated you, and basically acted like a huge bullying but I protected you from underneath my mask. So knowing you were in the same situation that I was in, that you were abused and all of the facts are blinding that I can't believe I didn't notices, well it hurts. I have failed you, I have failed Lily's son, her pride and joy, I have failed Lily. And for that I am truly sorry." Snape ended looking straight into Harry's eyes and Harry saw the remorse and regret that his professor has been going through since he said that nasty 'M' word.

*It's okay. I forgive you and I know my mother does too. You may have been really mean and no, it's not okay. I was 11 and you bullied me and picked on me and humiliated me but now I understand. I accidentally saw the memory and for that I am sorry, I never did tell anyone about that, but I do know what you have been through. At least some part of it, so while it's not okay, I understand.*

"Thank you....Harry."

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