The Dinner Date Part Two

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That Tuesday morning Harry woke up to his tree canopy and bright sun-shiny sky but when he looked out his window it was raining......again. It is always raining here in Forks. Harry got up and went to his closet to get dressed before heading downstairs. He kind of wanted to look nice for Jasper so Harry put on black skinny jeans, an emerald green long-sleeved shirt, a black choker with an emerald gem, and dragonhide boots. He attempted to do something with his hair but ended up forfeiting like always. Harry rushed down the stairs to see Remus making a pot of tea. He knocked on the door and greeted Remus.

~Good morning papa~

"Good morning cub", said Remus as he gave Harry a hug, "Did you sleep well?"

~Yes papa I did. Did you?~

"Yes cub I did. Now the tea is ready and there are pastries on the counter so hurry up and eat breakfast and get going." Said Remus as he poured both of them a cup.

~Yes sir!~

For a few minutes the only sounds that you could hear were sips and chewing before plates were being washed.

"Have a good day at school today cub."

~Good luck today with the pack~

And with that both Harry and Remus left from the house, going in two separate directions.



Remus had to drive a little ways to reach La Push but he finally reached his destination.

"Hello. Are you lost?" asked a girl who had as much scars on her face like Remus.

"Hello, I'm Remus Lupin. I'm suppose to meet with a Billy Black and others. I think." asked Remus a little confused.

"Ah yes! Sorry about that. I'm Emily Young and that house right over there is where you are looking for." She said pointing out a house a couple of houses down.

"Thank you Miss Young." Remus said his goodbyes as he walked down towards the houses and knocked on the door.

A man in a wheelchair opened the door.

"You must be Remus Lupin."

"Yes sir I am"

"Aw none of that sir business. My name is Billy Black, come on in.

Inside there was seated a group of younger boys who looked like they took a bunch of steroids and then a group of older men.

"Everybody this is Remus Lupin. He's kind of like us." Introduced Billy.

"Ah name is Remus Lupin. I'm from England and I am a wizard and a werewolf."

"Like those wand-waving, broomstick riding witches?" asked one of the kids on steroids.

"Yes sort of. We do have wands and we can fly on brooms but I don't prefer that method myself."

"Can you explain more about" asked one of the older males.

" Yes I can. Well I'm a half-blood wizard, meaning one of my parents was a witch or wizard and the other one was a muggle or non-magical. I was bitten at four by a werewolf so since then on full moons I changed into a werewolf. The week before I'm usually cranky, my senses are over-powering. My sense of smell and taste increases as does my vision and hearing. The week after I'm tired and exhausted. During the full moon, if I'm with my mate, my cub, or what my wolf considers a pack; I'm usually just pretty chill and playful. It puts my wolf at ease being around those we trust but if I'm not then my wolf will turn on me and it doesn't end up very well." explained Remus.

"Do you have a pack?" asked the only female in the room, maybe Lena or Leah.

"I did. When I was in school, I had a group of friends who learned how to shape-shift into animals called animagus to be with me during moons."

"What happened?"

"They died."


After that it got a little bit silent before Billy asked about Harry.

"I heard you had a kid." Leave it to Billy to try to lighten things up.

"Yes, my cub. He was the son of one of my old pack member and the godson of my mate. My wolf sees him as my cub and Harry told me he sees me as a father figure so I've adopted him. He's a wizard too."

"You have a mate?" asked another steroid kid.

"Had. Had a mate. He was another pack member and he's dead."

"I'm so sorry." At least the female, Lina or Leah, seems to understand.

"What was his name?" At least this kid doesn't.

"Sirius Black-"

"Sirius Orion Black?!" exclaimed Billy.


"He's my cousin or I guess was. He's really dead huh."

"Yeah, he died protecting Harry.

"Why was he protecting him."

"Well, it all started with a prophecy-"

Several hours later it was decided that Friday night Remus was going to return again for dinner bringing Harry along with him.

"I need to warn you though. Harry's has a disability, he can't talk. And also he has a mate that is one of the veggie vamps in Forks."

"Well we all have to just deal with that then because you two are family and if the kid's mate is one of those vamps then well the vamps are family too."

"Thanks Billy. Now I've got to run and get dinner started for me and Harry. We'll see you Friday night." said Remus as he got in his car to drive away.

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