The Confrontation

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Jasper and Edward started their plan the day after Jasper's circus date. Both boys were seen hanging out a lot more than they use to. They snuck around to hear Alice's and Bella's; as well as their feelings. They each had a note-pad so they can keep track of what they found out. Once they gathered enough evidence, they confronted the girls.

"Alice, Bella we'd like to talk to you." said Edward. "Why did you lie about us being mates?"

"Why do you think that?" asked Alice but on the inside she panicked.

"Both me and Jasper has listened for your thoughts and feelings because I've been having doubts about our relationship. You've both had greedy feelings and you, Alice, do not have innocent thoughts."

"So you've been spying on us!?" screeched Alice.

"You're game is up Alice. Now confess to all of our family of what you've done; or else." threatened Edward.

"Fine!" Alice said giving up, "I saw a vision of my mate, Bella, coming to town. However, in another vision I saw her being Edward's singer and them two entering into a relationship. I saw the entire thing and at the end Edward got Bella pregnant. The pregnancy didn't last very long due to the baby being a vampire hybrid and Bella gave birth to a baby girl. Edward changed her since she was dying from the baby sucking her dry but the child was healthy. I thought that if I could convince Edward that Bella was his mate as well as mine then the vision would play out as normal and I would be a mother. I did it so we'd have a baby, a child, a daughter. I just wanted a little girl." confessed Alice.

"You tricked me so I would get Bella pregnant?!" Edward asked Alice incredulously.

"Alice, I'm disappointed in you." said Carlisle, "You know those visions aren't set in stone."

"I know that is why I made it set in stone but I didn't account for that Brit freak coming in." said Alice snobbishly.

"How dare you call him a freak. He is a better person than you'd ever be." roared Jasper.

"He ruined my plans. We would have been happy."

"No we wouldn't have." said Edward. "I told you that I was having doubts since I couldn't stand to be around you two. Plus I think I've met my real mate."

"WHAT?!?!?!" screeched Alice, " I would have saw it."

"He is one of the shape-shifters." answered Edward calmly. "And you've said before that you couldn't see futures with the shape-shifters."

"That's great Edward! When do you think we can meet him?" gushed Esme.

"After I properly meet him. I only locked eyes with him during dinner that night. He recognized me as his imprint but I couldn't let him know I knew. I had to end it with Alice and Bella."

"You mean our whole relationship has been a lie?" asked Bella who finally caught on.

"Yes but you only want to be with Edward so you can be turned into a vampire." spoke up Jasper.

"What! No that's not it. I-I love him." stammered Bella.

"No you don't. Whenever you see him, you feel greed, longing, envy, and others. Over the course of the last few weeks I've gathered evidence from your emotions as well as your whispered conversations that you are only with Edward so you can become a vampire and be beautiful and graceful and popular." stated Jasper.

"H-how'd you know?" asked Bella.

"I just told you that I've gathered evidence."

"Alright Alice, you are going to the Denali coven and Bella, you are going back to your house and are not to approach our family again." dictated Carlisle.

"You can't do this!!!!" yelled Alice and Bella.

"Yes I can and I am. We would move but Jasper's mate does live here and so we need to stay here for him. Now go pack your bags Alice and go to them. I've already sent them a message about what's going on so they are expecting you and Bella I've sent your father a message about how you were only with Edward so you can be popular and have him spend a lot of money on you so he's waiting in you too. Good bye girls." And with that Alice ran upstairs and Bella stormed out of the house.

"Thank you Carlisle." said Edward.

"You're welcome and I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"Thank you Carlisle for letting us stay near Harry." stated Jasper.

"You're welcome Jasper. You are my son or nephew depending on where we live so of course I would keep your wants in mind."

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