The Dinner Date Part Four

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On Friday morning Harry didn't want to get out of bed. He remembered that Jasper and his family were going on a camping/hunting trip. Which means that he will have to go the whole day without seeing his mate. Harry slowly got ready hoping that Remus would leave for work before him so he could just skip but Remus was already prepared for that.

"Come on cub. It's time to leave." There goes his chance of skipping.

The drive to school was dreadful. It was like a criminal driving himself to prison. Once there he hurried up to park so he can quickly get inside but a shout stopped him from doing so.

"Harry!" Jasper ran up to him. "Good morning kitten!"

~Jasper! What are you doing here? I thought you and your family were gone camping?~

"We are, or at least they are. I'm going after school. I made a promise to you saying that I will be here for you and I'm not going to break that promise kitten." With this Jasper leaned down to give Harry a kiss on his cheek.

~Oh Jasper! Thank you so much! But won't being here cause trouble with you?~ Harry asked as Jasper walked him to their first class.

"Not really. Ever since I found you my blood lust diminished so that shouldn't be too much of a problem. All I really need to watch out for is the sun."

~Why the sun?~

"Because vampires sparkle in the sun." At this Jasper heard something that he's never heard before but vowed to hear again and again for the rest of his eternal life, Harry's laughter.

~Vampires sparkle in the sun! That's ridiculous! That is the most absurd thing that I've ever heard.~ Harry signed but was having difficulty keeping his hands steady while he was laughing so hard.

"Yes we do sparkle and since you don't believe me I will show you this afternoon. But for now I need to keep my skin covered."

~I can always help~

"Thanks." And with this conversation over, their school day just begun.


That afternoon, Jasper did show Harry that it is true, vampires do sparkle in the sun, much to Harry's further amusement. However, Jasper had to make their meeting short since he had to meet up with his family and Harry had to go get ready for meeting the wolves.

"Be careful okay?"

~I will and you know papa won't let anyone hurt me. I'm his cub.~

"I know but I still worry. They are our enemies but we will fix that since you're my lovely little mate and your papa is a wolf."

~Thank you Jasper. I hope to see you sooner before Monday.~

"So do I my kitten, so do I."


"Harry, are you ready to go to La Push?" yelled Remus.

Harry ran downstairs while signing to Remus, ~Yes papa I suppose I am~

"Alright let's go then."

When they arrived at La Push, Harry saw several Native American looking giants waiting for them.

~ Papa?~

"Yes cub."

~Are those the wolves?~

"Yes cub they are."

~Why are they so huge and you're not.~

"They are a different breed of wolf. I was bitten and they were turned. Also they are the Native American breed of wolf while I'm the European version."

"Hello Remus and you must be Harry. Hi it's nice to meet you! I'm Jacob Black and this is my pack-" Then Jacob proceeded to call out everyone's name and pointed to the person who matched said name.

~Hi Jacob, everybody else. My name is Harry and it is nice to meet all of you too.~

"Oh wow that is so cool! Is that sign language?" asked one of the other larger kids.

~Yes it is. Papa could you translate please?~ And here Remus begun translate every one of Harry's answers to every one of the kids' questions.

"Time for supper!!!" yelled out Emily, Sam's imprint. At her yell, all of the wolves rushed towards the house and Remus and Harry followed at a much slowed pace.

"I cooked enough for all of us so make sure Remus and Harry gets some."

Over dinner, Harry was introduced to the elders of the pack and learned more about their culture and they learned more details about him that Remus didn't share. And of course, Remus was still translating for Harry. Once dinner was done, they all retired by the campfire to share stories and legends and myths. Also some old-fashioned gossip. During this, Harry began to relax more due to the friendly and open atmosphere. He even started teaching some of the wolves the most basic signs since they all want to properly communicate with one of the honorary pack members. At his questioning look, they explained how Billy and Jacob were related to Remus' mate Sirius and since Remus was a wolf as well, they adopted Remus into their pack and since he is Remus' cub that meant he was an honorary member of the pack as well.

Once they all bid their goodbyes and they got in their car, Harry signed that nobody once said anything bad about his relationship with Jasper. Remus assured him that they accepted him having a vampire as his mate because he was family and families accept everything about you, including your choice of mate.

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