The Graduation

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It has been two years in the making where at some points it seemed like it would never come, and at others it came too soon. But here they were, in Forks High School gymnasium, fanning themselves with the program, waiting for the moment they've all been looking forward to: the seniors graduation. Harry, Jasper, Edward, Rosalie, and Emmett were graduating today. After all of their hardships and obstacles, they are still here about to get their diploma from high school. The wolves, the Cullens, the entire Volturi, and the wizards were in the audience eagerly waiting for the moment. Severus, Remus, Aro and the Volturi, and the elders of the wolf pack have been trying to locate the Death Eater base and find a way to kill Nagini and then Voldemort. Severus has been slowly but surely poisoning Nagini and Voldemort. He disguised it as a youth potion since he had been wanting his old body back. It was only a matter of time before they both gave out, however they needed to take care of Harry's horcrux first. Remus, Harry, and Jasper has been preparing for that. They had been preparing for the wedding and for the turning. Remus didn't like thinking about Harry being turned but he, himself, would live longer than the average human and wizard so he was happy that Harry wouldn't outlive him. Jasper had already planned their honeymoon which would be at the private island that he bought for Harry for a wedding present. The wedding was going to be a few weeks from graduation and it was eagerly anticipated. All they needed now was for the two grooms to graduate.

"Welcome family and friends. I am the principal of this school and I'm proud to announce this graduating class." At this, the line of students waiting at the door entered to take their seats. "Thank you. Now about four years ago, your students entered this school to learn and grow. As the principal, I hope I can honestly say that they have, some might not have 'grown up'" here she gained a couple of laughs, " but they have learned something over these years." She then began to introduce the valedictorian and straight A student's and the athletes. It was a long ceremony just for a small class but finally she started calling students up for their diploma.

"...., Edward Cullen" The entire Cullen clan, Volturi clan, wolf pack, and wizards clap and hollered.

"Emmett Cullen" Again he received the same amount of applause. Several other students were called before she reached more of their group.

"Jasper Hale" More applause, especially from Harry who was cheering for his fiancee.

"Rosalie Hale" She received the same amount of applause as her 'brothers' did. After Rosalie was a student they didn't know so they only focused on how many they had left before Harry. Since P is a while away from H, they knew they had to wait. But soon enough she called out the name they have been waiting for.

"Harry Potter." And the entire stand that held the vampires, wolves, and wizards erupted with cheers. Harry blushed heavily when he heard the cheering, he hurried along the stage to accept his diploma and then hurried back to his seat. Even though the ceremony was long, it finally ended and the proud parents went to collect their now graduate students which are technically not student anymore. At least until they go to college.

"Harry! My cub! I'm so proud of you!" yelled Remus before he swept him up into a hug. The rest of the gang gathered around the graduates to give their congrats before heading towards the Cullen house for a party.

*We did!*

"Yes, we did my kitten, my fiancee, my beloved mate." said Jasper before he too swept Harry up into a hug. "Come on, kitten, the party is waiting."

The party was held at the Cullen house and lasted for all hours of the night and into the morning. It seemed like the entire town was there and their friends. Fortunately for some and unfortunately for others, there were no alcohol since most of the guests were underage. This party is for the students who just graduated so naturally they can't drink so why tempt them. Most parents left earlier in the night since they have work the next morning but that didn't stop the kids to keep partying. Eventually the party had to end in the wee morning hours as the sun came up. People were having to drag their friends, siblings, children, or even parents back home and to bed. This party was considered their last hurrah of their childhood because now they have to go to college, get a job, and grow up; especially when some were starting to get married in two weeks. Jasper and Harry were getting married in two weeks time and they were finishing up last minute details. Jasper already had his tux picked out and Harry had his wizarding bonding robes picked out. They would cause some raised eyebrows by muggles but would just say they were a manly wedding dress. However, they weren't really worried seeing as they didn't really have muggles friends. The others in their group were finishing up on the war plans. Severus has already started the process by slipping poison to Voldemort and Nagini and it would kick in any day now. However, they needed to time it right. If Voldemort were to die before Harry's horcrux was gone, then all of their hard work will be for naught. He could come back and they didn't want that. So after the wedding, Jasper and Harry would head to their honeymoon and that night Harry will be turned. That way they could spend that week to a month in getting Harry comfortable with his new instincts. They had two weeks before all of their plans would be laid out and they could only hope that nothing goes wrong. Many things could happen in two weeks and hopefully nothing will go wrong. Harry and Jasper will get married without a bump, the reception will be perfect, they will go one their honeymoon, Harry would get turned, that horcrux will die, and then so will Nagini and Voldemort by the poison. All they had to do now was wait. And wait they will.

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