The Last Class

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As Jasper escorted Harry to their last class, Harry wondered if Jasper's family will accept him and his papa.

" What's worrying your pretty little head, hmm?" Spoke the familiar voice of his mate.

~Will your family accept my papa and me?~ Harry signed nervously as they entered the classroom.

"Of course they would. I told you before and I'll tell you again and again, how can anyone not like you." Jasper said as he helped Harry take a seat.

" Good afternoon class. Now we have a new student today so please give a warm welcome to him." The biology teacher said as he gestured towards Harry to come to the front of the class.

Harry stood up and slowly walked to the front of the class while looking nervously back at Jasper. He turned and faced the front and immediately locked eyes with his mate, who smiled encouragingly to him.

~Hello my name is Harry Potter and I'm from Surrey, England.~ Harry finished signing and was met with blank stares. He was starting to feel more uncomfortable.

"Excuse me sir but Harry is mute so he uses sign language." Harry looked gratefully towards the voice as Jasper stood up.

"Oh well then....umm.." The teacher looked even more uncomfortable then Harry did. "Do you know sign language?" The teacher asked Jasper.

"I do and can translate. He said that his name is Harry Potter and he is from Surrey, England." Jasper said as he smiled at Harry.

"Thank you Mr. Cullen and Mr. Potter, you may have your seats."

As soon as they sat down, Harry turned and faced his mate and signed, ~thank you Jasper for saving me. I really needed that. You're the best.~

"Thank you, I was afraid that you would think that I stepped out of line." Jasper state as he turned towards Harry.

~No you didn't. I was thinking of making a break for it before you spoke up. That was so embarrassing!~

" Didn't he sign your slip?"

~Yes but obviously he didn't read the note at the bottom.~

"I'm sorry Darlin' but don't you worry we'll be out of here soon."

~I just love you accent~

"Thank you my Darlin'" Jasper said the last they could of that conversion since the teacher made them start actually doing work.

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