The Cullens meet the Volturi

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When Harry woke up that next morning, he heard Remus and Aro arguing. He quickly got dressed and rushed down the stairs to see what the argument is about.

"No we are not going to visit the Cullens!"

"Yes we are! You promised to get along with the Cullens. Harry and Jasper are mates and since you are his grandfather and want to be in his life so you need to get along with the Cullens."

Harry entered the kitchen to see Remus and Aro standing up having a yelling match. Harry waved to get their attention but they kept going at it. Finally, he grabbed a pot and spoon and banged them both together, stopping their argument.

*Hello! I've been trying to get your attention! I think it is a great idea to have dinner with the Cullens. I understand you don't like them pappous but Jasper is my mate and I'd like you to get along with his family. Also don't forget we have to have dinner with the wolves at some point too since they're my friends and I'm an honorary pack member. You have to get along with both groups! Unless you don't want to for me.* Harry signed viciously before pulling out the puppy dog eyes on Aro.

"Of course I'd want to get along with them. They are your friends and mate's family so I, of course, want to get to know them and get along with them so well." assured Aro hoping Harry won't cry.

*Great. I'm heading to school and I'll see you tonight so we can head over to Jasper's house.*


That afternoon Aro, Caius, Marcus, Remus, and Harry all piled into the car and headed to the Cullen household. When the got there, Jasper was already opening the door for Harry.

"Hello Darlin', I'm glad you can come."

*So am I Jasper. I just hope our families will get along, you know?*

"Yes I know, so do I. I'm mostly worried about Edward, Alice, and Bella."

*Wait Bella's here!* asked Harry surprised.

"Yes she is. Even though we told her that they drink from humans so she shouldn't really be here unless the rest of the family deems them safe and trustworthy enough." said Jasper who seemed frustrated.

*That's stupid. I know he's my family and he's sort of living in my house but they are still vampires who drink from humans and not long ago he had terrible control. Papa is helping him now but still they can at any time snap and drain her dry.*

"I know that's what we all were saying. I know him a little better than them but even I agreed that it be like waving a beer in front of an alcoholic trying to quit. She would just be tempting them."

*It would be her own fault. I bet that she would even be throwing herself all over them as if daring them to drink from her.*

"And knowing her, she would. Alice and Edward would be on her side too. Claiming that they were evil and it's all they're fault that they lost her."

*I can see Alice doing that but I would have sworn that Edward would back you up saying it's too dangerous. I mean didn't he try to run away from her?*

"He was but I know that he will get in a fight if anything were to happen to her. Now Esme is cooking dinner so why don't yall come inside."

Once inside and situated on the couches, an uncomfortable silence settled over the group. No one really knew what to say. Only a year ago they were fighting against each other about Bella knowing their secret.

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